My buddy and I just hit 34 today and decided it was time to run the level 35 Prison of Elders. We find another 34 and jump in.
Things are going rather smoothly as we progress through the rounds, not wiping even once. When we finally get to Skolas, we start having some troubles.
Expectedly, he's a very difficult boss and it takes us many tries to try to get a rhythm going. When we finally figure things out and start getting stuff done, guess what happens...
Error Code
I get sent back to orbit and they're down a man. No big deal, they just send me an invite and I jump right back in, right?
I am "unable to join, as the activity is almost finished". No shit, I was right there about to finish it. Now it won't let me back in.
So now, we're all screwed out of loot after putting hours into this challenge. I know that people shouldn't be able to join at the last boss to collect on stuff they didn't work for, but come on. SOMETHING needs to be done to allow people who get disconnected a chance to get back in.
So we all quit for the day, feeling demoralized after watching all our efforts be for nothing. Error codes should not be a reason for failing the most difficult challenge in the game right now.
That should be removed. Leave it up to the players to set their party to invite only or closed.
They just did this to me on 34 difficulty skolas. I was so pissed
They are working on a way to fix this. They are making it to where you will be trying to reconnect after disconnecting so you don't lose your spot. They will try it out in trials of Osiris and when it is done with tests, they will add it to everything
You can still get around that whole "activity almost finished" bs
Same happened to my friend. On the attempt we actually killed the boss he got an error code, and wasn't able to join back, me and my other friend were shocked, but we both had to go to treasure room after all that effort. Anyway my mate was pissed, even I was pissed, I understand how frustrating it is, damn, feel sorry for you guys and my mate. Anyways we're going to try again tomorrow to help him :)
Put this in the feedback or help section. It'll have a better chance of being seen and/or fixed. Definitely not something that should be overlooked.