Tired of hearing that Titans got the shaft with exotic HoW armor? Then look no further than Peregrine Greaves!
"Wait a second, aren't those the ones that increase flying shoulder charge damage? That sounds kind of bad. "
You're right, it does sound pretty useless. How much damage could it possibly increase? Well the answer is: A LOT.
See that Sunsinger with Ram? Radiant Skin, wow, what a tanky mother-blam!-er. It's too bad he dies when you knee him in the face.
Voidwalker about to lob a collapsing star at you? No problem. Kneenja him before he does that.
Little striker pissing his pants and about to level the place with a Fist of Panic? Professional counsellors advocate the use of Peregrine Greaves during panic attacks.
Armor of Light Defender, nigh invulnerable to everything but collapsing stars, beams of Solar Light, giant shockwaves of arc energ- FAAALLCCON KNEE
Cloud wannabes omnislashing around the place with an electric toothpick? Say hello to my MOTHER-blam!-ING O-KNEE-CHAN.
It gives your flying knee attack 300% increased damage. That's 600 damage in crucible! In comparison, the hp of anything in pvp is... Significantly less than that. Not only is it a melee attack, it's also an arc attack. Arc burn and brawler modifier on? Enjoy oneshotting that Hallowed Ogre. It'll deal more damage than Celestial Nighthawk. With solar burn.
Oh yea, did I mention that it also turns your knees into [url=http://i.imgur.com/pks4Rq6.jpg]lightsabers[/url] when shoulder charge is active? And most importantly, it changes colour with your shaders. Checkmate Warlock and Hunter peasants.
The next captain falcon!
Guys look at this!! ( not mine, post person did)
Did anyone else from the fruit nation read this in mr. Fruits voice? X)
That'll be very rare to kill a titan/warlock mid super, you have to be in range while your shoulder charge is still available. And you need to be quick about it too.
This is why Titans are for pussies
Plus when you're in the air while sprinting the greaves pearls will glow and you get holographic knives coming out of your knees. F uking great exotic
Solution has been found
Edited by sgodxis: 6/27/2015 2:25:07 AMI can't fuc*king breathe
I like this, lol
Skolas brawler,I want to see how the greaves would do lol
This should be relevant now that Xur is selling them now.
It's not op because it's so situational.
I'm a hunter, and I approv---(dies to a flying knee to the face)
Flying falcon knees lol
This thread cracked me up.
Good in its niche yes, overpowered no.
I lost it when I read the cloud one. Gg
Arc burn. Brawler. AND the one that does more damage in the air. Three titans charge out of a weapons of light bubble at the Archon Priest... I can only dream.
Edited by NathanW18: 6/14/2015 7:41:47 AMThe problem is 95% of players are running a shotgun and you will take a shotgun shell to the face. Regardless of the damage it does, you're still going to die more times than you get a kill. The vast majority of kills are going to come against players that are in a gunfight with someone else. You would have killed them with your gun, anyway. To be honest, most of what you've said is extremely situational. You're not going to get a chance to knee someone in the face Nova Bombing or Fist of Havocing you 99.9% of the time.
This Those inferior peasants
Edited by xXXxRMxXXx: 6/12/2015 3:19:53 PMThe amount of shoulder charge kills i got while doing iron banner last week was 1 or 2 Do you know how good your timing has to be if you actually go for that kill? It's completely for situational purposes Edit: I have almost exclusively played crucible with my striker titan and gotten like 5 total kills with the shoulder charge
Lmao so maybe once in awhile we kill someone in their super and that makes them OP? Do you understand that has to be a perfect situation for this to occur?
Died at o knee chan
Dayum lol