Tired of hearing that Titans got the shaft with exotic HoW armor? Then look no further than Peregrine Greaves!
"Wait a second, aren't those the ones that increase flying shoulder charge damage? That sounds kind of bad. "
You're right, it does sound pretty useless. How much damage could it possibly increase? Well the answer is: A LOT.
See that Sunsinger with Ram? Radiant Skin, wow, what a tanky mother-blam!-er. It's too bad he dies when you knee him in the face.
Voidwalker about to lob a collapsing star at you? No problem. Kneenja him before he does that.
Little striker pissing his pants and about to level the place with a Fist of Panic? Professional counsellors advocate the use of Peregrine Greaves during panic attacks.
Armor of Light Defender, nigh invulnerable to everything but collapsing stars, beams of Solar Light, giant shockwaves of arc energ- FAAALLCCON KNEE
Cloud wannabes omnislashing around the place with an electric toothpick? Say hello to my MOTHER-blam!-ING O-KNEE-CHAN.
It gives your flying knee attack 300% increased damage. That's 600 damage in crucible! In comparison, the hp of anything in pvp is... Significantly less than that. Not only is it a melee attack, it's also an arc attack. Arc burn and brawler modifier on? Enjoy oneshotting that Hallowed Ogre. It'll deal more damage than Celestial Nighthawk. With solar burn.
Oh yea, did I mention that it also turns your knees into [url=http://i.imgur.com/pks4Rq6.jpg]lightsabers[/url] when shoulder charge is active? And most importantly, it changes colour with your shaders. Checkmate Warlock and Hunter peasants.
Electric Toothpick Lolololololollolll
Definitely keeping these then :D
True question is will it allow a OHK to someone in a bubble with armor of light... might make it useful in pvo
does it heal you with ever melee hit? does it give your grenades tracking? you lose
I luld. +1
God damn. Titan power!
Edited by CasualDrastic: 5/21/2015 1:33:17 PMI thought those Boots just increased the window of time you had to shoulder charger. Or am I thinking of different titan boots? I have been informed I'm thinking of the Stand Asides. Thanks!
Titans have arguably the most useful exotic though. Ruin wings, so acting like Titans got the shaft when they have Ruin Wings is ridiculous. Gjallarhorn + Ruin wings, put that on a defender titan with WoL and you can destroy everything while heavy ammo rains from the sky.
"Cloud wannabes"
Good thing I always jumped when I shoulder charged people cause it makes bye harder to hit and you don't come to a dead stop like just running
you know you can charge at me all you want... what happens when you take an arrow to the knee?
[spoiler]Panties are now being thrown at you....[/spoiler]
That seems pretty cool! I love your description! It may not be for me though.
You sir. [spoiler]I like you[/spoiler]
This, and you, are beautiful.
Edited by palmer918: 5/21/2015 1:04:34 PMreply so i can keep this lol
Well damn. I want a pair now.
THis is too good. XD
I lol'd at O-Knee-Chan
O-KNEE-CHAN ohmy-blam!-inggod
Bump for o knee chan
Sound good haha
I seriously was waiting for a #satire on the tags........
this post is great
I think I need those now
Is it weird that i like your post more then the exotic itself?