With the arrival of the Hive Fleet and Oryx himself enthroned aboard The Dreadnaught - The Clan Alliance of [b]Mythic Divisions[/b] are now recruiting Guardian Fireteams for 'The Taken King’ [b]King’s Fall Hard Mode Raid[/b].
We are an active PvE/PvP Guild with over [b]1000+[/b] active experienced players on PSN and XBL current and previous generations.
Our newly launched fully interactive website is the hub of our Clan communications network. We utilize [b]Mushraider[/b] and [b]Cometchat[/b] to easily build Clan Fireteams - which also features a [i]free[/i] Chat app that is iOS and Android compatible. Mythic Divisions has our entire Alliance web hosting sponsored by [b]Avant-Gard Gaming[/b].
Join us and together we will embrace the Fire and take back everything that we have ever lost.
Mythic Divisions Clan Alliance is currently comprised of three platoons: [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/438920]Mythic Regime[/url], [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1068257]Mythic Northstorm[/url], and [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1105967]Mythic Exiles[/url].
We have Weekly Clan Activities, Streaming Events, Active Forum and Clan Wall, Lore Building, Trials of Osiris - Prison of Elders - Court of Oryx Fireteams, Contests + Prizes, and prep for TTK content.
And you can follow [b]Lord Erasmus[/b] [url=https://twitter.com/mythicregime]@mythicregime[/url] for the latest Clan News, Updates, Clan Activities, Exclusive Contests, and so much more.
1. Go to Bungie.net and sign in using your Xbox or Playstation account information
2. Go to "Clans" on the left side of the screen and search for [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/438920]Mythic Regime[/url], or [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1068257]Mythic Northstorm[/url]; and [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1105967]Mythic Exiles[/url] is also available for recruitment. Once on the clan page that you wish to enlist with - click Xbox Live Clan or Playstation Clan to join and you will be accepted.
And [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1274492/0/1/0]Mythic Elders[/url] is our new PSN Exclusive Clan for current previous generations PS3 and PS4.
If you have any questions - just PM me or any Mythic Divisions Admin or just post on the Group Wall and one of our Ninjas will be in contact with you instantly.
Mythic Divisions Social Media Platform:
[url=http://avantgardgaming.com/destiny/clan/mythic-divisions/]New Official Website[/url]
Need one more lv34 Titan preffered to do POE lv35. Gt same as above
Need 1 34 gt same
Need 2 33+ boss players for trials msg SKYguy326 for an invite thanks!!
Need team for 9-0 Lvl 33 titan Red death GT GRUMPY N1NJA
Message NbK ThunD3R for if u want to play trials
Need 1 33+ for trials gt above
32 Hunter that is good at pvp looking for good group
Hello Guardians, Team We Xurned It is recruiting for Xbox one only. What we are about - We are a laid back clan we like to have fun and joke around. We aren't just a clan we are more of a brotherhood. We like to get stuff done but like to mess around and have fun at the same time. We are really laid back and drama free. We love doing raids and doing nightfall we make sure all of our clan members have done the raids and nightfalls for the week. Requirements - •You must have at least 1 character at level 30 •Must be at least 14+. •Must be respectful to the clan. •Must be able to take a joke. Why you should join - Like I said before we aren't just a clan we are more like a brotherhood. We always have someone online. We help each other out with whatever is needed. We will run the raid 5 or 6 times if we need to. We have fun and relax. We are also going to be expanding and adding new people so new friendships can be formed. Application - Gamertag - Level - Characters - Why would you like to join - Tell me a little about yourself Alliances - If there is any other clans that would like to be in alliances with just comment below or message me on Xbox One or on here and I'll at least asap. If you would like to join message me on the app or on Xbox. You may also comment below. My gamertag is Thudson00. Thanks for your time and we hope to see you join the clan. P.S - I'm going off for the night if you want to join message me on Xbox and I will get back at you the next time I'm on.
Need to level 34s that are very skilled and serious about going 9-0. Preferably those who have been to lighthouse . Message for inv
-Lvl 34 Hunter GT: OutlawSpore1815 Let's get this flawless guys!!! Msg me for inv!
Need 1 more person must have done flawless on a character msg Emma W4ts0n
I just went 9-1 and need a team that will go 9-0 Message me or invite me ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN TO THE LIGHTHOUSE AND MUST HAVE PROOF I've been so close everytime but my team just gives up on me so I need a real team
Looking for two 34s to help me win 4 games or more I would appreciate the help a lot THX -gt: dannysquirrel
Need one more serious gamer for trials. At least lvl 32 same gt as above. Lets do this
Need one more player for trials 34 hunter and 34 warlock gt same as above
Need one more message me it's Slayya
Need 1 more. Message eak soccerninja for invite
Looking gor a serious team for trial 33 hunter same gt as above
need one person for trials of Osiris GT:Firebreather222
Looking for a team to trials with please be good inv name above thanks
33 warlock (vex) 33 hunter (thorn) Looking for a flawless team Msg JAKECOD11 for inv
34 Titan and Warlock looking for a good, experienced level 34 who has won a lot of games without losing. Msg zengamer12 for invite.
Need one 33+ for trials gt the same
1 more needed gmt wobblytester
Need 1 for flawless Gt is TheThrallHugger 34 only
Edited by cam3903: 5/24/2015 4:27:48 PMNeed 2 34s message cam3903 ps must be good