Xbox One, gamer tag is fatherraven09. Level 32 1/2 Titan, 27 warlock. laid back 30 yr old gamer looking for folks to chit chat/ run Poe, strikes, etc. from the southeastern us In central time zone. Hit me up anytime after 5:00 weekly and all day on the weekends.
Add me bro
Add me & I'll add back. I have all 32+ characters & love both PvE & PvP. GT: Humbology
Bro add me
What's your GT bro?
Its man up dummy
Xb1??? My gamer tag is man up dummy
Added you bro
I added you back bro
Thanks man
No problem i will be home by 5pm we can rock destin
Saw your post added you and need someone for fire team.
Hey Raven. I was searching for new people to play Destiny with and found your post. I am 41 years old and love to play Destiny. All three of my characters are 31 to 32's depending on what armer I have equipped. I'll be on in an hour or so. I will add you if it is OK. My GT is: MrMcScrub
saw ur post added you and need someone for fire team.
Sounds great, thanks for the add.