Medium rare. I was raised thinking the only way to eat a steak was too cook it all the way through. I used to think friends who ate rare steaks were insane and disgusting. But then I gave it a chance and realized that it was so much easier to eat and has SOOOO much more flavor. If you are one of those people who eat well done steaks and have yet to try a medium rare steak, I'm willing to bet you would really enjoy a medium rare steak if you tried it.
This. My stepdad used to burn the shit out of steaks when I was growing up. Like, send them back at the restaurant on the regular until it had puffs of dust coming out of it.
For me it depends on where I'm eating. Some places do well done really good, and medium rare badly, and other places it's flipped.
Chef here, if you think the place has low quality meat don't get anything under medium it'll be chewy and horrible if it's a good resturant you should be able to order it how you like with no problems