Hey guys I am just curious as to how many people are Crucible or Iron Banner maniacs and think that Thorn, as great and beautiful as she is, could do with a little more nerfing?
In my latest visit to the banner the weapon grouping of choice appeared to be Thorn and Felwinters Lie (with Hammer Forged perks with either Rangefinder and/or Shot Package). Felwinter's Lie is a fantastic weapon with a variety of downfalls which can be countered so that I am not too fussed about.
It was however, the relentless barrage of Thorn bullets being hurled my direction by a full fireteam of 6 players on the opposing side that grasped my attention and forced me to post this, 2 bullets in the head, or 3 bullets in the body and that's all she wrote, if by some miracle you survive, then the staggering 28 points of lingering poison damage will see that your perseverance is short lived. If a full fireteam stick to each others sides and constantly outnumber you (which is a great tactic don't get me wrong) you will turn that corner and find yourself dropped rather stupidly fast.
This raises the question for me, does it require another nerf?
I used the weapon at the beginning of the latest Iron Banner and then whenever I would tire of its use, and choose a different weapon such as Red Death, Suros Regime or Bad Juju it would be cool, I would do rather well to be honest, 3 days in I retried this tactic and was forced to reach once again for Thorn, its Range, its Damage Over Time and noticably its Fire Rate are all factors I think that should be looked into, I am not suggesting that all the before mentioned stats see a stat reduction but perhaps one to try and balance the competitive matchmaking before Trials of Osiris hits, otherwise I am going to assume that Thorn or Hawkmoon will be the choice of 90% of online gamers.
What do you, the community say on this topic? I am curious as to whether I am just losing focus or rambling about something that needs no ramble.
Lol, you'd have to be a complete dumbass to run Thorn in ToO. What the hell are you afraid of, it's not that gun.