so 1 of my frends told me that ther was a xerr thing in tha reef outpost thing but i didnt kno wat it is so could u pls tell me it would be nice and wat also does he do pls tell i am rly confused with this im new 2 destiny so any help would be appreshated thx.
Edit: a few 0/8 gr8 b8 r8s won't stop me, I will figh-- i mean i well fite 2 tha end
If ever life gets to be so lonely that you need attention from strangers on the internet, find the nearest person to you and ask them for a hug. If its so bad that there is no one just ask us all on here for a message to cheer you up. You don't have to post these thinly veiled trolls. They stink of desperation and we can all smell it. With all that in mind here is my message to help cheer you up in the form of a you tube video Here is a picture of a spooky ghost too 👻