Out of these three that our the only ones currently available, which do you think is the best?
If you don't know the perks of them here they are...
[b]Favor of Osirus[/b]
You automatically start off with one win
[b]Mercy of Osirus[/b]
Your first loss will not be counted against you
[b]Boon of Osirus [/b]
Your first win counts as two wins
So out of the two you know (or if you know all three) which onces are the best for you?
Edit: seems like a lot of people don't know that [b]YOU CANT HAVE MORE THAN ONE ACTIVE AT A A TIME[/b]
edit2: oops my b seems like you can get all 3! :p
Is this buff individual or team? If team wouldn't you each buy one to get all 3?