If you do not have or ever had a Gjallarhorn, do not accept any treasure keys as you are not worthy of them. Erase them from your characters inventory and vault. Once you earn your Gjallarhorn, you may then keep your treasure keys.
If you deleted your Gjallarhorn in the past, post a screenshot of your Gjallarhorn grimoire card with your gamertag for validation purposes.
Sorry guys; rules are rules.
wtf, how are the two even related? lol I don't think you're serious....
Cnuts are cnuts more like!
Skrubzilla here trying to 'earn' stuff in an RNG based reward system. Gg or go home
Shut it
Some people have Ghorn grim cards without ever owning the gun... It was downloadable when the game first came out. Delete your keys now for not knowing that Christmas noob
I have 3 g-horns, does that mean I can have just 3 keys?
You "earned" a gun? No way did you save one of the devs lives and were rewarded with a gjallarhorn? Otherwise stfu
Bro do the level 28 strike and open up the side chest they drom keys and it only takes like 20 min to finish
ya bc rng is earning right
[quote]If you do not have or ever had a Gjallarhorn, do not accept any treasure keys as you are not worthy of them. Erase them from your characters inventory and vault. Once you earn your Gjallarhorn, you may then keep your treasure keys. If you deleted your Gjallarhorn in the past, post a screenshot of your Gjallarhorn grimoire card with your gamertag for validation purposes. Sorry guys; rules are rules.[/quote] Lol
Says the dumbass with three titans. You probably just got ghorn from the PoE chest and already think your a special snowflake. Why don't you make more of other classes and stop being an unskilled elitist scrub. Delete you treasure keys yourself, and then your ghorn, and then all your characters, and finally, slam a door on your right hand.
Delete you
But. I got my gjallarhorn from PoE already.
Got one Ghorn from lvl28 poe 😏
Ahem........ fkn noob, ghally grimoire comes from an online code get gud scrub. Did I do this right? Is the grammar a little too good?
I think you should delete your keys being a scrub who makes 3 of the same character. Post if you agree.
Delete your account and delete destiny - you broke the rules. Sorry.
My grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, "if you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate you have to stop immediately." Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized exactly what was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. My mother said to me, "don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.
Look at all of these butthurt dickwads who are mad more people are getting a great gun that means nothing in a digital game that means nothing.
If they do that then their chances of getting one have decreased even more. That doesn't solve anything.
Are you retarded or something?
Ah dammit.... Fine...
You my friend are a twat. As punishment for being an arrogant dick you must delete YOUR keys and coins until you have the Fate of All Fools. I'm sure you'll appreciate the challenge seeing as how you worked hard and 'earned' your Gjallahorn