That's pretty much 27 shoulder charges in 1. 3x exotic multiplier. 3x brawler multiplier. 3x arc burn multiplier.
Holy shit that was the peregrines i thought it was random
It's beautiful
Holy balls
Mind blown...and I've had those sitting in my vault unleveled
Edited by Tacobya: 6/12/2015 2:16:18 PMTitanmasterace
Brawler was active during that nightfall along with arc burn but nonetheless still amazing
Holy shit.
Nice! I've death from above'ed the spider walkers, but not the flying Jackie Chan kick. That's awesome.
Buffed shoulder charge and arc burn
Honestly not that surprising considering I was doing 7k damage with my throwing knife with the brawler modifier. I can't even imagine the damage he did with a buffed shoulder charge.
Whoa! Damn! (jaw drops)
I can't see my brightness is very low. Can you explain what happened?
It killed the fallen walker in nightfall with 1/3 health left. With one shoulder charge
There was also an arc sniper firing though, and if you look closely, the health was under a third, more like 1/7 :/ but still quite a lot of damage
Thank you captain
Whoa wtf
God damn
Holy sh*t.