This post is for people that need a powerful team to complete the trials of osiris. People with good communication, team work and
patience with be the greatest.
I am a very competitive person
Level 33 all classes
Maxed out pvp weapons
Maxed out subclasses
Good with every class
Message o4032958227403 if you want to add me.
Good job guardians on the first week of trials. Hope you guys found your perfect teams.
Need 1 for trials add exstinct_EU
Need 1 for trials ps4
Add me for trials of Osiris! Looking for a good team. Add xxsavage-princex
LF flawless run Have a K/D higher than 1.5 and a win% above 50% mic is a must PSN as above
need one more add JesseBear36
34 warlock LF 2 more for flawless run. Be an experienced pvp player, bring your 365 weps, be lvl34 and have exp gotten 9 wins already!
Need 1 for flawless need mic Add Krustal12
Lvl 34 Titan, 2.0 K/D, I need Flawless, Already been to Lighthouse once, Dont add if your under 1.35kd.... I need skilled players, Add Super_Bad666
34 Hunter looking for a group a wreck shit up. Add Matthewgriff but unfortunately I will be an elitist prick and check your stats before adding.
Edited by WatxhYuhHead: 5/24/2015 7:26:15 AMLvl 34 hunter with max vex and thorn Add pen sasuke_and_ino
I know you'd prefer a L33+ player on ur team.. Not here. Im a L32 Hunter that can help and hold his own tho. Rocking the For the people, Feleinter Lie n Gjallarhorn. Sorry mic is broken RN If interested pls. Add: its_1Dip_Set
Need 2 32+ Trials of Osiris ImSSJ4 Lvl33 Titan.