This post is for people that need a powerful team to complete the trials of osiris. People with good communication, team work and
patience with be the greatest.
I am a very competitive person
Level 33 all classes
Maxed out pvp weapons
Maxed out subclasses
Good with every class
Message o4032958227403 if you want to add me.
Good job guardians on the first week of trials. Hope you guys found your perfect teams.
need one for a flawless run that's a good level 34 with good weapons add mrsneakykill
Level 33 Titan Looking for Very experienced players I've already ran flawless I look to do the same here Please be 33+ with mic and good connection I won't check KD So add gowextreme13 and lets get to the LIGHTHOUSE
Lookin for a team I'm level 34 on everything except my Titan which is 33. Maxed out hawkmoon vex thorn etc.
Good players that have done this already Flawless I've done on other character Add raffo07
Lf 1 34 sunsinger for flawless trials please have maxed weaps and be a team player
need 5 wins please add me ilbuko be 33+ and have max weapon and mic
Looking for team I have maxed thorn 33 gunslinger Add: BC-71
Need two players that are willing to help to beat the trials . I'm lvl 33 with good gear . Psn: aromero1984
Looking for a squad that needs a solid player Please be a either good or play well as a team looking for 9 wins. I am 33 warlock Invite Youaremydaddy
I need two players for the trials. Please have mics and maxed weapons. Level 33+
Looking for good players Flawless Done on other character Add raffo07
Psn: neszarc need 1 more
Need 1 lvl 32+ for trials
Need two for trials add me
Need one for trials add me
Need one more good 34 Add: bagel_ur_mom
Looking for a player to play trials of Osiris with my friend and I. Two Brits looking for another. Your k/d must be above 1.5 You must be at least level 33 And You must co-operate Add jam_jam29
Edited by Shadow: 5/25/2015 11:34:04 PMNeed 1 34 with experience on trials looking to go flawless. Must have 365 gear. Must be a hunter. Add AmaZe_Shadow_One
Psn: neszarc
need 1 lvl 34 with experienced to try to get the 9 win streak . we already have 3 wins psn same as above
Wanna go flawless on TOO Need 2 serious guardians. Add and join! Level 34 please
Need one 34 experienced Add: bagel_ur_mom
Lvl 33 hunter(gunslinger) with a 2.05 k/d looking for a good group. Add the name above, thanks!
Need 2 Add TheOnePercent52
1 more for Trials Must be 34 trying to get flawless. PSN:imcute456
I need 1 more person to go flawless with my bud an me. But you have to be good