This post is for people that need a powerful team to complete the trials of osiris. People with good communication, team work and
patience with be the greatest.
I am a very competitive person
Level 33 all classes
Maxed out pvp weapons
Maxed out subclasses
Good with every class
Message o4032958227403 if you want to add me.
Good job guardians on the first week of trials. Hope you guys found your perfect teams.
Very good 33 hunter mostly last word/ thorn..... Flawless on x box one now going for my noob acct on ps4.... Ready to grind on trials... Gt bloodycobler
Need lvl34 good pvp player add cam3490
34 hunter maxed weps LF experienced group to grind some trials out.
Looking to do another flawless Add kurokami_sai
Need 2 for trials
Need 2 for trials of Osiris
34 hunter looking to do flawless, variety of maxed weapons, good with both sub classes, add and invite DrFunnyButt
Need a 34 experienced for trials
Need 2 for trials, looking to get to six wins, please be lvl 33 or above add olliekidby22
Lvl 33 hunter looking for a team. Got every weapon needed and have 4 one shot golden gun bullets.
im a lv 34 titan, done it twice flawless with my other characters. need 2 34 only with maxed weapons and good players to do flawless run, add Zintro to join
Need 2 very good players who have won the trials before I went 9-1 with my warlock I need to do the same with my hunter add me my pan is MONKEYLOL_LOL
Need 1 34 to complete the team Not the most amazing players but we really just want to get it done. PSN OwnLittle_World
34 hunter Lf team for trials add shroomzzero
Looking for team! Just want to win! Add me Magic-J-Money
Edited by NLsMostWanted: 5/25/2015 12:58:45 PMlvl 33 titan lf good group add nlsmostwanted
Need 1 34 for ToO Went flawless 2 x so want to make it 3. Please be a teamplayer with communication and a good k/d. Psn: d3nnakz
Looking for 1 player to go flawless, must have good weapons and know how to play, psn padley95
Need 1 more for trials have 33 and 34 please be 33+ add username above
Lvl 33 hunter thorn lf skilled team...add me
I need 1 34 for trials add ChopperGunner603
lev34 titan looking for a team psn:Its_me_lolo
Need 1 more for ToO add: maurii050
Looking for one more for trials name same as above
Level 33 warlock looking to join a team add cabbages_ i have a mic
Looking to do another flawless Add kurokami_sai