3 34s with 9 Etheric Light to spare, didn't get any from Nightfall. Didn't rush to 34, it came naturally within first week by completing content, then I chose which gear to upgrade based on stats and aesthetics.
you got lucky with rng that's all that is
Nope, six etheric lights from Arena which gave me 3 34s, and then 3 etheric lights from Trials per character. No RNG involved.
No it's called 28-35 prison on all 3 characters and 9-0 trials of Osiris on all 3 characters they always drop
Or you get 6 from PoE.. Then a guaranteed 3 from ToO flawless.. And then a good chance for 2 more for each character for ToO packages... So no not RNG lol. I have got 13 this week