I'm at wits end. Since HoW I've been getting KTO quite often. I've had a history of getting disconnected but never this bad. At this point, I can't stay in game for longer than 5-15 min without getting Ferret, Weasel, Baboon, Elk, Chicken, Beetle. I can't start a crucible match, I can't finish a Strike, and can barely finish a mission on Patrol before I'm enjoying the music in orbit. My PS4 is hardwired directly into my Modem (which I've restarted multiple times), set up a static IP for my PS4, and forwarded all the Destiny and PS4 recommended Ports. I'm not sure what else to try. Bungie, please help. At this point, I am unable to enjoy the game that I paid for.
Edited by sofi: 5/26/2015 2:25:22 AM
Started a new topic: Non-stop error codes just keep coming...(5 Replies))
Bump. All I get is weasel but I get it about every 5-10 minutes on Xbox one with open NAT wired connection. The help article is months old and doesn't help at all. This code has been around for months. Please at least let us know you are working on it, that you know it's a problem!
But I don't get error coded at all you guys should get good internet like use McDonalds wifi like I do
Open dmZ ports it sured helped me
Same here. Now can't even log on.
Getting every error code in the book for the last week, baboon, vulture, weasel, cloudberry, centipede, plus some. Never had any problems before last week and now I can barely manage to log on. What's funny is that I've always had a moderate nat, so, set up a static ip, and port forwarded, received an open nat but is haven't helped at all. Fix this bungie plz. I'm on Xbox one.
At this point I'm really bout to trash this game I can't even pick my character bcuz of these ridiculous error codes and when I finally get to choose my character I still run into error codes and get sent back to the to press a to start screen this game has been out far toooooooooooo long to continue to get error codes. Can't even enjoy the game without seeing "attention contacting destiny servers" every 15 to 30 seconds. There is NOTHING wrong wit my connection especially when I'm the only one using the Internet. I seriously recommend that BUNGIE n destiny do some major maintenance on their servers bcuz I seriously getting frustrated getting kicked out of the nightfall, missions, and patrol especially when I'm bout finish the mission and or strike then have to go back n do it all over again. It's really quite annoying so please for the love of all that is good n the gaming world fix your servers
Guardians, I've got an update for all of you. The problem I was experiencing was directly tied to the type of modem I was issued from TWC. After at least 5 or 6 (very polite on TWC's part) calls, they had a tech come out and check my line. After discussing with the tech, he mentioned that the particular modem I was issued had known connection issues with PS4's. I asked him to switch it out, and after going through a couple models, we finally found one that worked. My old modem was an ARRIS DG1670A. I'll have to circle back with the model name for my new modem. Either way, since I've been using the new modem, I have not experienced one disconnect or any bad lag. If you're experiencing a similar set of issues, I strongly suggest you have your ISP swap out your modem or go by target and pick up another model to try out yourself. Hope this helps! Z
Hey Zilla, If you've set up port forwarding, please go through the following steps to assist with isolating other potential connection issues: Turn off and unplug all networking devices other than your modem. Your network setup should be ONLY [Internet -> Modem -> Console] and any WiFi functionality for your modem should be turned off. Plug your console directly into the modem Ensure no other devices are plugged into the modem
Don't forget caterpillar I'm the but 360 and I have done everything you have done destiny please fix your -blam!-ing servers
There is a way to join back in if people get kicked. If it happens send the person who got kicked an invite and then go wipe when the countdown gets to 1 have your friend join back in and bam there back in I know it works I did it my self on skolas
Same here omg cant play anything,kept getting kicked in 35 arena last part so i gave up and left them.Same for Vog and crota ,cant play anything for more than 4 hours
[quote]I'm at wits end. Since HoW I've been getting KTO quite often. I've had a history of getting disconnected but never this bad. At this point, I can't stay in game for longer than 5-15 min without getting Ferret, Weasel, Baboon, Elk, Chicken, Beetle. I can't start a crucible match, I can't finish a Strike, and can barely finish a mission on Patrol before I'm enjoying the music in orbit. My PS4 is hardwired directly into my Modem (which I've restarted multiple times), set up a static IP for my PS4, and forwarded all the Destiny and PS4 recommended Ports. I'm not sure what else to try. Bungie, please help. At this point, I am unable to enjoy the game that I paid for.[/quote] Welcome to destiny
Same here. They have such terrible servers that my record today is 7 minutes in a single game. It is an issue that realy needs to be fixed
It's a console wide problem that they can never fix it seems. I think I'll play another game for awhile that way I don't go bat sh*t crazy
The same thing is happening to me on xbox360 i can barely stay in orbit without lagging out the game with a ton of these diffrent codes named after animals i dont know why it's like this because i dont usually have problems.
I was able to play for a few hours then got disconnected AGAIN.. #VULTURE error code. I thought my issue was fixed but I guess not... Bungie please help us, we are beggin,,,,ah.. you know what.. we are just wasting our breath.. Bungie doesn't care about their players.. I wonder if we can report them to BBB. I'll check it out.
Bungie, please please please fix your Beetle errors. I can play the game flawlessly for hours (old contents usually) then when I am in PoE (Usually the final stages) it will kick 2/3 people with the beetle error. These people then can't rejoin and the one remaining person has to finish everything on their own or exit out. This is an infuriating way to waste an hour or so of play. Last night we were on the boss of PoE 32, quarter health then boom we are kicked. Meaning one person finishes him, gets all the goods and the rest of us are pissed off. We've spent money on this, is it too much to ask for a working, **tested** product?
I keep getting booted also with a "catapiller error" when I read the screen.
Tired of doing PoE, getting to the final round. And then getting booted. Unable to rejoin my fireteam. So there goes a good chunk of time out the window.
Same but odder in the sense. My roommate and I play literally beside each other on the same wifi. Him 360 and me X1 and just I have these same disconnects, he doesn't have any issues. Makes no sense. I've tried everything.
Same here three in a row ranging from beetle to eel
Likewise. But this only started since I upgraded from Ps3, to Xbox One, and only since Sunday. The amount of Round 4 PoE matches I am consistently thrown out of is taking the absolute biscuit. I never had these issues on the ps3, and everything is configured the exact same way. What's worse, is that the fault is entirely down to the Destiny servers. I can do absolutely anything else that requires Internet even though Destiny says "No Internet connection detected" Managed to do one strike, one crucible match, and three easy vanguard bounties today in about a 5 hour timeframe. The actual hell Bungie.
Same here this is ridiculous. Out of nowhere, I was starting to think it was just me but its looking like Bunjie has sh!t servers
same here. had three disconnects today, 2 just within the last 30 minutes. Baboon this morning, then lionfish and beetle just now.