Need help with [b]Trials[/b]? I and 1 other friend of mine, that is available at the time will take you flawless to the [b]lighthouse[/b](if wanting) or we can just get you the Brother Vance prizes!
I will gladly help you get what you desire but 1 at a time! Helped a few and talked to a lot of people wanting help today, thanks for the request! I do apologize to all who could not get in today as this is my first project and couldn't set it up accordingly :(
I will post here after I finish the people I have left from Trials today, all I ask for as requirements are [b]MIC[/b] [b]PATIENCE[/b] [b]WANT TO WIN[/b]
Please allow me to finish others games first, its roughly 45 rounds per session.
Will be helping others this weekend but first Id like to reach my 50, which I am working on now. Thank you for your patience!
Need a teamate?
Will you be helping this week? If so may I be first pick? [spoiler]i am never first pick [/spoiler]
T.o.O runs are over for me now, sorry if I didn't make it to you this time around. If you'd like to be some of the first in next trials please message me first hand. This project has been a successful event and I hope to continue it in further trials!
Nice that you are ending other trials runs after already completing a flawless. Bully
Been though the Trials legit a couple of times, always getting ganked once or twice by a team of Thorns or Mythoclasts. I would really like to get to the Lighthouse this week, if your still doing this and your list isnt to cramed some help would be amazing.
Just now getting up and everything. Sorry for the delay everyone
So I hear you are helping people. How does one get onto your list?
Edited by Zeromazaraza: 5/25/2015 2:56:27 PMI'd like to get to the lighthouse legit, not be carried if I can. I'm not that good or experienced - yet - and I would like to find 2 others like me to play with on a regular basis. If getting murdered in ToO has taught me anything, it's that skill is the prerequisite but teamwork is the real difference. When I'm with coordinated teams I am +kd in crucible, with uncoordinated teams I get wrecked and LFG hasn't gone well in ToO. Have only gotten to 4 wins. Message me, let's play, have fun, learn and eventually wreck. Lighthouse isn't going anywhere. Let's walk in on our own two feet instead of on someone else's back. I'm in EST and can play nights usually. XB1. Message me if you are like minded.
Can I add you for future trials? My GT KilluminatiZero I'd say I'm an average pvp player I can hold my own but I've had horrible luck with teammates that just rush to their death and don't communicate at all.
I would love some help guys and useful tips to improve the way I play. I'm not bothered about going flawless yet, let's focus on making me a better player first.haha
If this is for real, I would really appreciate some help. I'm mostly a PVE player and so are most of my friends. This would be great if you could help out if you have time. Thanks
If your still doing this is would love to join in already got 1 flawless with my buddies need 2 more people to beat on my hunter xXMediiumRareXx
Gamer tag is the same as here, would love some help
I got to 9 with 1 loss :(
I need help with the trials. I've tried multiple times and only got two or three wins. If anyone could help me get five wins (or yo the lighthouse if possible!!) If be super happy. I'm on Xbox one and I'll be on around 8pm eastern. Thanks.
Could I be able to get some help next week? If possible on Monday? My GT is same as username.
Messaged. But if u r too busy I completely understand.
Can I join? I've just been trying to get 8 wins for the package as I won't be able to play all next week T.T I don't have a mic but I listen and I know the ways around the map with the amount of times I've been on it xD
GT: Jonnnny654 <Lvl 34 Titan> went 9-1 I don't mind striker or defender. Thorn/Swordbreaker is what I usually use
I'm decent at PvP, but have no one to help me in ToO. I would like help if you had spare time. Reply to this comment or message me on Xbox One. GT: I Only Use FRAG Thanks!
Edited by TheFirstLegend77: 5/25/2015 3:19:01 PMif anyone needs help im on ps4 gamertag is same as above
I threw up on this post . U disgust me
FlabbaDoodle. Message me bro.
Please help me. All I want to be is just level 34 all I want is 5 wins! GT:same as above Warlock level 33.
reply when u can help mee