I'm a 32 Hunter looking for help in Trials.
I'm not trying to make it to the lighthouse or anything like that, I'm just wanting to get to six wins so I can get a shot at Etheric Light from the Silver Tier Rewards package.
Any help will be greatly apreciated.
GT: A1ejandro Rojas
Need 1 warlock for trials message lordxjericho for invite must be lvl 34 with radiance
Trials - Xbox one - lvl 34 warlock Need 1 very experienced lvl 34 for another flawless run. GT: benjaminbradley
One for trials going for flawless message for inv
Experienced player. Looking for a squad
34 warlock looking for trials team. Experienced, been to lighthouse on other two characters. Maxed red death/thorn/vex. Invite gt CrownMick
34 hunter. All 365 weapons and skilled. No voice but I can hear you. Just trying to get 6-8 wins. Clutched two rounds and still lost. Please someone help.
Need one more for trials message smitty al for inv
Looking for a team send invite gamertag as above 34 Hunter
Need 2 great and experienced players with mics message me on Xbox for inv lvl 34 required gt Dezine Kudos
Need two for some trials message me for an invite
Need one. Just trying to get 5 wins for a chest piece
Need 2 good 34 players to try to get some wins GT same as above
Experienced 33 hunter with max thorn want to see the lighthouse send message to gt same as above
I'm level 32 and have gone 9-1 on my 34 Titan! Looking for a team that is willing to help a 32 hunter go flawless! Must be 34 and good! Msg me at GruesomeMink for an invite!
Need 1 level 34
Need 1 msg gt above for invite
Need 2 to help me to go for 9-0 I'm warlock 34 I have been in Mercury once Gt Eduheymann19
lvl 33 warlock trying to get at least 5 wins very experienced invite me: MrGameboss
We need one send me a message
Trying to go flawless need a lvl 34 gt xELiTeFr0sTx
Need 1 34 for ToO fresh start, message: QuiCk SpaNk
Need 1 for trials of Osiris gt melee4u2
Need 1 for trials message gmata4124
33 warlock looking to find a team or make one, inv IX Performer
Lvl 34 hunter looking for trails team
Lvl 33 titan looking for a hunter and warlock please be at least good message Laughing Waffle for invite or invite me if you two.