You dont think they require more skill?
No. No more or less. Their super is a reactionary reflex super with loads of armor. It's called fist of panic for a reason. The jump and melee suck it do t require for skill to use. Shoulder charge is pretty faceroll but not as op as people think
Its actually called fist of havoc and if its lacking in thise areas how doesnt it require skill to use? Most fist of havoc kills are 1 person kills. I would rather 1 team member die and have a super of the board instead of all or over half my team.
I'm guessing u don't spend much time on the forums. Fist of panic is a running joke since Titans like to throw it out when they are caught off guard or losing a fight. I still don't understand how the super is more skillful than any other?
I meant the class not the super in general but since its just a panic super then it would take skill to use it effectively and get more than one kill.