Need help with [b]Trials[/b]? I and 1 other friend of mine, that is available at the time will take you flawless to the [b]lighthouse[/b](if wanting) or we can just get you the Brother Vance prizes!
I will gladly help you get what you desire but 1 at a time! Helped a few and talked to a lot of people wanting help today, thanks for the request! I do apologize to all who could not get in today as this is my first project and couldn't set it up accordingly :(
I will post here after I finish the people I have left from Trials today, all I ask for as requirements are [b]MIC[/b] [b]PATIENCE[/b] [b]WANT TO WIN[/b]
Please allow me to finish others games first, its roughly 45 rounds per session.
Will be helping others this weekend but first Id like to reach my 50, which I am working on now. Thank you for your patience!
Can I join? I've just been trying to get 8 wins for the package as I won't be able to play all next week T.T I don't have a mic but I listen and I know the ways around the map with the amount of times I've been on it xD