Prison of elders team finder
Need a 34 with a 365 Gally for 35 PoE Message Kenbad8 on XB1 for invite
33 Titan looking for lvl 33+ with exp and weapons to finsh POE 34 message wastedtrooper83 on Xbox for game Invite
Need one for 34 Poe
Need one 34 for lvl 34 prison of elders
lvl 34 hunter with maxed Galli. looking to do it at skills check point! gt WolfBry 3
Need one for 35 PoE on 4th round
Need one more 33+ for level 34 prison Comment or message for invite
34 warlock and hunter maxed weapons looking for one more 34 to do level 35 POE. Msg GT Whitedog1401 for invite :-)
Need a 34 for 34 Poe we r on round 4 and we are both 33 message for invite
2 33 hunters Need 33+ titan with maxed ghorn for lvl 34 PoE. Must have mice and exp. gt same as name msg me for inv.
Need 1 for PoE 35. Must be 34+. Must have arena know how. Must have party chat and microphone. Let's go guardians, the hunt is on. Message GT above with your info and class/lvl. Feel free to message in app or reply to post but first come first serve to in game messages
Is it possible to run the level 35 poe as a 33?
Need 1 more lvl 34 PoE msg kM Doc for inv
Looking for 1 more to do the lvl 35 Gt t1mew0lf
Looking for 1 to join fire team to do level 32 & 34 PoE. Must have mic. Msg GT: TheLordCypher for invite
32 lock with maxed ghorn. Looking to run 32 POE. Gt: jedi penguin253 inv me.
Looking for 2 more to do the lvl 35 Gt t1mew0lf
Looking for 2 more to do the lvl 32 Gt t1mew0lf