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originally posted in: Evolution is a fact, but...
5/25/2015 8:12:15 PM
I don't think you understand the nuances of science. In the English, language, yes, you may be right. May. However, tell me this. Here is a hypothesis. Throw an object in the air. I hypothesize that it will fall back down to the ground at a rate of 9.8 m/s. Evolution is a mechanism for natural selection, along with Genetic Drift, Gene Flow, and a few environmental factors such as what food is readily available, what color the environment is, and many other things. If Evolution was fake, we wouldn't have some form of relation with chimpanzees due to an earlier ancestor that we branched off from. Gravity is a fact of life, as is evolution. However, both are theories. It matters how credible a theory is. We have theories such as the theory of relativity, string theory, and the theory of everything. These are all credible, widely accepted, and some aren't even well studied such as the string theory, because of how complicated it is. Physics is built off of theory, yet everyone experiences physics on a daily basis. That is a fact of life. You really shouldn't use the words "theory" and "fact" together unless you really know what you're talking about. You don't know what you're talking about, and I'm simply trying to educate you on it. High schools do NOT teach correctly. They scratch the surface, and leave out so many things, that high school education (At least in America) is a joke. High school teaches what a theory was from a while back, but like the collective species of Earth, education has evolved (Other than Chemistry. Chemistry hasn't really changed ever since my dad got a degree. I'm still learning what he learned) and taken new meanings. High schools tend to teach things that are outdated and have outdated books just to save money. The schools below college should really just switch over to open source since that always changes with every new discovery. tl;dr: High school isn't teaching you correctly. I'm a science major, and have studied this extensively. I [u]know[/u] what I'm talking about.

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