[quote]Why not Seek each other out here and band together?[/quote]
Because it's a drag, takes forever, requires a third-party site and results in being paired with two strangers anyway.
Just give us a button for MM so people can use it or ignore it as they see fit.
"Seek each other out", " part of the challenge should be finding a team" What an idiotic statement he made, Hell that's what I pay THE DEVELOPER to do and have since I got Live back in 04, woooo we've come a loooong way baby!!!
IKR.. Calling Destiny a "Social Gaming Experience" whilst withholding matchmaking is kinda strange. Kind of like all those countries called "The Democratic Republic of.." or "The People's Republic of.." when they're anything but.
Yeeeah man, that's why I bought the game, cuz this was frickin BUNGIE!! Revolutionaries of online MM!! sooo ironic how they preached what great "social experience" this game would be, then that's exactly what they took away, the bungie I KNEW is gone, you guys got my money this time, haha but you won't again, nor will Activision, they destroyed the original Infinity Ward and now they've begun the same process here.
I don't think it's deliberate. I think it's just misguided. I can see their intent, they're trying to make people socialize more. Didn't work on me when my wife tried it and it's not gonna work in a game either. :D
Hahaha same here
It cracks me because I've slavishly played every Bungie game since Halo 1. It's always been possible to reach your goals playing on your own, and now it's not. That's bad design.
Exactly, well said, I did too and hell I would've kept a little respect for em if they'd had gave a little insight as to how the MM system was in destiny ( might not have bought the game, but I've at least held a little respect for the heads up)
Well said :)