Ok, so i have been looking for a solution for this stupid error. I was playing a mission from the latest expansion house of wolves and my game froze. Said i should restart the game and clean my disc, funny thing: i have a digital version!
So i looked around a lot on the forums and google for a solution. And a lot of people are having this problem, and i cant find a answer to fix this.
And also bungie doesnt seem to give anyone posting this a solution or a good reply. Please just explain what is going on? If you have the same problem please describe whats happening and hopefully they will explain to us whats wrong.
Sorry for bad english.
So i reinstalled the game but it didnt work out. I got another error after landing on venus. The same mission as before. I dont have time to try again. I would really like bungie or someone with more info about this to reply asap. Ive seen too many people complaining about this and no answer found. Bungie please fix this or explain what we should do. We pay a lot for this game and to be honest it has so many problems. If you want people to keep playing this you need to get to work and solve some of the problem. Connection stuff and that is fine, but paying (in swedish kroner) 800 kr and being able to play for one week is not acceptable.