The House of Ceres is Recruiting new members for all Destiny Activities! All level players are welcome! With the weekly reset we are looking for players for Raids and The Prison of Elders! I myself am only 32 an upgrade or two from 33. My Second in command is my brother a level 33 Titan almost 34! But a clan isn't a clan without members and you need at least 3-4 people for Raids! I am big on the Trails so we will be doing that if your interested! i know alot of people out there continuously look for players for Raids and other activities and we are here to help! We are an Xbox Clan till either i get a Playstation copy of Destiny or someone wants to lead a Playstation Fraction of our Clan. I am PlasmaNightSky and i am 24 years old. I can be a seriously player if needed! So if anyone is interested please come on by and put in a request!
If you have any questions please comment below or message me on Xbox! my GT is PlasmaNightSky
I'm really interested I'm great in communication and team work 20 years old ( if that matters ) Level 33+ Titan Level 32 warlock Level 31 hunter ( least favorite class)