originally posted in:Devize Sigma
Hey I wanna get a group going for this raid. Haven't heard anyone who actually wants to do it since the HoW expansion. normal mode first and then hard mode. I'll update the sign up sheet every hour or so. Spot six will be swordbearer
1. PiKapp359
2. Max T 17
3. liloart
4. jaydub
6. nanoflyer
1. PiKapp359
2. Max T 17
3. liloart
4. jaydub
6. nanoflyer
Don't know for sure if I'll be on around that time but if you see me online and need a swordbearer or just a sixth send me an invite
Pik up for some nightfalls tonight
Yo pik I'm on my way back so I should be getting on a little past 11
Are you guys wanting to run this fresh? I would rather join at deathsinger unless you guys need me
Sign me up! Jay dub will probably be there as well.
Pik if you can wait til 11:30 I can swordbear both
I'll do both