Destiny is a game where many things can be done by yourself but ultimately to succeed you would need a team. I created the Whispers In The Dark clan because I knew all to well the elitism that was going on. WITD is built on a basis of helping each other rise up the ranks even if that means I or anyone else in the clan does nightfall or any other activity 9+ times in a week. Our clan isn't a clan of elites we are a clan of PEOPLE WHO WANT TO JUST TALK AND PLAY DESTINY FOR THE FUN OF IT!
We are an experienced clan looking for mature and fun players who are looking for a tight knit group to dominate all aspects of Destiny. We are completely open to join no waiting to be accepted we are happy to have you. We are a PS4 only clan. Make sure after joining you set us as your official clan to get your clan tag. After that make a post on our wall with your time zone and PSN ID to let us know to add you to our events and random get togethers.
I am the Founder: Drexal_Steel add me on PSN.
Click Here to go to our clan page and join us:
Welcome new members of WITD.
No I'm not