Who would it be? I would personally pick Wheatley from Portal 2. While kinda a screw-up, he's frickin hilarious.
Edit: Just to clarify, I meant like an artificial intelligence, a machine.
Edit: Cortana seems to be the favorite here (no surprise).
Santa People up-to-date on RvB will understand
EDI from Mass Effect 3.
My phone
Jarvis... Duh
Unrestrained EDI
Cortana: -Always knows what to do -Big Tits
Claptrap because hilarity.
My gf
Pagan min fry cry 4 Jade dying light Yenniefer Morrigan Geralt
Imma stick with Little Light [spoiler]by this i mean ghost[/spoiler]
Probably Jarvis or Claptrap (does he count as one?)
Claptrap if I expected it to not be too dangerous but Cortana if I thought it would.
Definitely Wheatley!
Claptrap [spoiler] or craptarp as I call him[/spoiler]
Paarthurnax [i]ftw[/i]!
Wait, is the ghost from destiny An AI or a living creature?
Anybody would pick me, yes?
Claptrap: door opening, and "witty" conversation
Legion from mass effect.
Alpha church
Claptrap because hilarity
Same man