Who would it be? I would personally pick Wheatley from Portal 2. While kinda a screw-up, he's frickin hilarious.
Edit: Just to clarify, I meant like an artificial intelligence, a machine.
Edit: Cortana seems to be the favorite here (no surprise).
Cortana or EDI
Either GLADOS, or Elle. I say Elle because I'm not 100 percent sure you're talking straight AI, or AI controlled NPC.
That trashcan shit from borderlands 2
Um,I guess that fairy from Zelda counts?
Arent I already?
Marvin, the Paranoid Android.
DEFINITELY DINKLEBOT!! [spoiler]nah jks[/spoiler] Probably SID from titanfall because he sounds cool
Alan Rickman in Hitchhiker's Guide
Cortana, obviously. [spoiler]or Roland, he seems pretty chill[/spoiler]
A cadre of Knights, outfitted with Mythoclasts and stolen technology from the #Destiny-verse to furthermore enhance their capabilities and freedom. These are a kind that will be far more difficult. They are relentless, tireless, and absolutely thorough. [spoiler]Alternatively, an AI version of the Ur-Didact would have many uses, especially when the Logic Plague has been purged from his digitized mind (yes, he did not die, but he hath been composed with the remaining 6 (there were 7!) ).[/spoiler]
This kid,
343 Guilty Spark Eh before he went full retard
The AI from Halo wars, i don't remember the name
Edited by Demon HAX: 6/5/2015 9:45:01 PMA gekko from MGS4 that thing is like a tank but is annoying as -blam!-
Mendicant bias
Church. Perhaps being called a dumbass all the time will get tiring, but it'd help keep me from getting overconfident and we've got fairly similar personalities.
Tali is only option. Dem hips doe
Microwave it
Lydia Can carry anything Basically unkilllable Also can be used a meat shield as she is unmovable
Serana from skyrim
Cortana the classic wing girl I will always need ;)
Red. Nuf said.
Cortana, only because she's smart and hot(that's a plus).