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Edited by Devious Belly Button: 5/27/2015 4:12:15 PM

New Enemy Ideas

You guys ever bored of shooting more reskinned bullet sponges? Ever get an epic elimination target only to be a captain with a slightly cooler name? Atleast for me, I am disappointed. I was hoping higher strike levels and certain missions would have epic and unique mobs with their own mechanics. Name: [b]Guardian Slayer[/b] [spoiler] Race: [b]Fallen [/b] Clone model: [b]Elite Vandal[/b] Weapons: [b]Four Arc Swords[/b] Special Identifier: 4 Spears on their back, broken chains on arms and legs Special Mechanics: [u]Double regular movement speed, Can Blink 4 times in succession, turns invisible when blinking, does not appear on radar, half health[/u] Appearances: [u]High level strikes and nightfalls, possible elimination target on earth. Only 4 can be spawned at the same time.[/u] Lore: [i]Elite vandals that have descended from the House of Kings. Each of these supreme soldiers strike like lightning, their blades, stained with countless guardian lives. It is said that the first guardian slayer used the weapon of his first prey. The Guardians call it...Red Death.[/i] [/spoiler] Name:[b]Infested Dreg[/b] [spoiler] Race: [b]Fallen[/b] Clone model: [b]Dreg[/b] Weapon: [b]Void version of Shock Pistol[/b] Special Identifier: Morphed dreg with thrall body parts, multiple eyes, green aura Special Mechanics: [u]death from a precision shot creates an explosion and contaminates nearby guardians, kindnof like thorn DoT, death from a body shot makes the dreg morph into an ogre[/u] Appearances: [u]Any area with large amounts of hive[/u] Lore: [i]Ikora says these abominations are most likely the House of the Exiles, which have grown too close to the hive. [/i] [/spoiler] Name: [b]Light Breaker[/b] [spoiler] Race: [b]Hive[/b] Clone Model: [b]Wizard[/b] Weapon: [b]Two Hive Knight Blades[/b] Special Identifier: Wears the torso armor of a hive knight, has four arms Special Mechanics: [u]Spawns 4 hive knight shields in each direction when using the poison mist, the arc blasts deal significantly less damage but will stun guardians, they will move twice as fast when they attack swords[/u] Apperances: [u]Any The Dark Below story mission, strike, or Moon patrol[/u] Lore: [i]Fearsome warriors from the Blood of Oryx, they seek to avenge Crota. They are instinctively attracted towards the essence of crota.[/i] (Having necrochasm grimoire card increases the chance of a Light Breaker spawning by 5%, having it equipped furthers it by another 5%) [/spoiler] Name: [b]Warmonger[/b] [spoiler] Race: [b]Hive[/b] Clone Model: [b]Hive Knight[/b] Weapon: [b]Boomer Gun and Hive Knight Sword[/b] Special Identifier: Hive armor is black with glowing red eyes with two small shriekers floating on its back Special Mechanics: [u]Aura of a warmonger disables ALL player buffs and stops the super from passively charging, Smarter AI with combo capabilites, can jump without platforms, shriekers explode when warmonger died[/u] Appearances: [u]Anywhere with Hive, guaranteed to spawn when "The enemy forces move against each other"[/u] Lore: [i]Directly under the command of Oryx, these vicious killers stop at nothing to satisfy their thirst for blood. Some even say that Crota was once a warmonger, some say that the warmongers were trained personally by crota. Though these are just rumors and speculations, just know that it was a single warmonger that fought off a cabal army at the moon. [/i] [/spoiler] I'll post vex and cabal if you guys like what I've done so far. Comment your opinions and feedback please. [url= ]Master Thread[/url]

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  • These enemies would be OP as fuсk

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    • Edited by Ratheman: 6/4/2015 4:26:52 AM
      A while ago, I tried starting up a thread about sharing around boss ideas for the game. I guess it never caught on, but I'll share it with you here, since it's appropriate. Name: [b]Creative Mind[/b] and [b]Destructive Mind[/b] [spoiler]Appearance: The Creative Mind looks like a Precursor Hobgoblin from the Vault of Glass, although with three blue eyes instead of one blue, in a triangle formation. The Destructive Mind looks akin to a Descendant Hobgoblin, with two red eyes set vertically across its face. Unique Abilities: Both Minds will start with Line Rifles, and snipe at Guardians who oppose them. When the Minds' health reach 40%, they will switch to Torch Hammers. The Creative Mind can heal damage that has been inflicted to itself or the Destructive Mind, but only when in close proximity to the other boss. This ability is telegraphed by the Mind's body beginning to glow a bright white; it can be interrupted by staggering the boss. The Destructive Mind sends out AOE Bursts, creating damaging Solar clouds that will constantly sap a Guardian's health as long as they stay inside of it. If one of the Minds dies, the surviving one will slowly approach it's fallen partner and absorb their ability, allowing the surviving Mind to use both abilities until it is destroyed. Lore: [i]Deeply seated in the Vex network, there exists a pair of Axis Minds that work in tandem. The Creative and Destructive Mind focus on managing the flow of data that streams to every Vex consciousness connected. The Creative Mind transmutes data into usable material, and the Destructive Mind destroys useless information so nothing can utilize it. Though their purpose is mainly supportive by nature, they boast unique skills in combat.[/i] [/spoiler]

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      • Have I got a treat for you? The Riven The Riven - an alien race forged of some kind of energy. These "wisps" as Guardians call them came from unknown reaches of space and are believed to be heavily tied to the Darkness. Decrypted reports from the other alien species show that The Riven have never been seen before by any race, but every race fears them. The terms "run", "retreat", "evacuate", and "scatter" are all littered throughout any transmission involving them. The warlocks have yet to determine if what makes up the wisps is matter or something else. At most, the warlocks sent a suicide squad in to get scans of one of the masses in a broken Golden Age ship floating between the Venus and Earth. One ghost returned with everything they could collect and a solid description for future guardian encounters: "Their bodies pulse to a unified beat, their black bodies always morphing. Arms slide off and become legs as they move, legs then becoming arms. They seem to have a set three legs at all times, but they never touch the ground. Any physical action with something solid caused the solid to erode. They float like spirits as they meander around the ship. They seem to have faces, no set number of eyes, but anywhere from 1 to 6 at any time. - long pause - A massive one just moved through, dropping smaller ones behind it. This one... Hulker, we will call it, is just disturbing. No eyes, but a smile... A white smile, broken and slanted as if knowing where we are." The rest of the ghost's report is purely the screams of those guardians being "absorbed by the wisps" as the ghost said. A Titan was brought in from a visit to a conflict on Venus that had the Fallen in a frenzy. He sat down and reported: "I watched the Fallen's body parts get split as this smoke of something soaked into their bodies. It raised twenty or so Fallen into the air before forming one entity and all the Fallen fell to the ground, lifeless. The figure formed a flowing figure of the condensed smoke and moved towards me. I never ran as fast as I did... It was like a Reaper coming for me..." The Fallen fear of the Riven is unclear. All reports seem to shift into a familiar tone, one that leads the Vanguards to believe that the wisps once brought the Fallen down to where they currently lie, in the rubble of a great empire, and now they fear it will happen to an even worse effect. The Vex fear them, because they have no biomass. They aren't living, but they live. They defy the Vex's knowledge of how life has been, is, and will be in the universe. The Riven are pure and merciless evil that don't even grace the ground with their presence, and the Vex see this.

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        • These enemies sound fun to combat and better than just reskinned taken. Nice work.

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          • I'll post another one in your format. Name: [b]The Stalker[/b] [spoiler] Race: [b]Hive[/b] Clone Model: [b]Thrall[/b] Special Identifier: Similar to the Thralls from the Abyss, but with five glowing green eyes and a split open chest with a beating heart-like organ. Special Mechanics: Able to turn themselves invisible, and crawl along walls and ceiling. Smarter AI, usually attacks Guardians from behind as to not be noticed. More durable than regular Thralls, and their critical spot is their exposed chest organ. Appearance: Small chance in underground locations on the Moon. Guaranteed chance on Moon missions with the Heroic or Epic modifier active. Lore: [i]Unlike the rituals that turned Thralls into Ogres, these Thralls underwent a different kind of ritual. Hive magic turned them into nightmarish predators, able to mimic Guardian invisibility to cloak their presence to go unseen. They prowl beneath the surface of the Moon, making their home in the hollowed out expanses of the Hellmouth and beyond. Few have seen them, and even fewer have survived to tell the tale.[/i] [/spoiler]

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            • Edited by BanditNation: 7/19/2015 10:05:23 PM
              Let me try one. Name: [b]Lords[/b] [spoiler]Race: [b]Fallen[/b] Clone Model: [b]Archon[/b] Weapons: [b]Carries two randomly-picked Fallen rifles[/b] Special Identifier: Banner with whichever Fallen house they belong to, and their armor is completely colored their House's color. Special Mechanics: [u]They can rally their allies and make all of them focus on up to two Guardians. Once this happens, they fire faster, but take more damage. If they aren't killed when you first encounter them, there's a 30% chance that they will return with more health and dealing more damage.[/u] Appearances: [u]Wherever Fallen are seen, if you have any of the Fallen Exotic weapons equipped, one has a 5% chance to spawn. If you don't kill them after the first encounter, they have a 10% chance to return.[/u] Lore: [i]The Fallen have seen you using their weaponry, and take it as a sign of mockery. There's talk of Lords rising from the dust of where you killed their comrades. Make sure, if you see one, that they die. They might just come back stronger.[/i][/spoiler]

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              • Edited by The Mr Ree: 6/22/2015 1:57:10 PM
                Guardians Vs. Spartans "The Destiny Of Halo" Master Chief Day 1 before John became The Master Chief and Before Guardians were Lightbringers...

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                • New enemies, easy take cabal slap em with different colors and bam. New enemy type. The bungie way

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                • An idea i got from some destiny art before launch [spoiler]name: Jackals Appearance: imagine a jackal, that is human height Abilities: can cloak in darkness, blinds your screen, very dangerous in CqC[/spoiler] Just a rough idea

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                  • Good idea.

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                    • How about I wanna kill a dragon.

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                      • Bump Anyone want to pity bump this thread?

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                      • Edited by Abstract: 6/4/2015 2:52:03 AM
                        Bump Can I do my own? Edit:Op lvl 8 achieved [spoiler] [b]Ballista[/b] Race:Vex Model:Hydra Differences:Runs on 4 legs super fast, Increased health. Raid boss-worthy size. 2 Vex( Aside from Harpies, Hydras, and other Ballistas ) can ride on the top of it. Glows Orange. Weapons:Torch Hammers replaced with Line Rifles. Equipped with a missile pod that launches a barrage of Gjallarhorn rockets every so often. Can leap into the air and slam the ground. Can shoot a "Vortex Grenade" of a random element out of it's eye. Armed with a laser that heals vex units. Effects:[i]Upon sighting a Guardian, It will apply the Guardian it saw with a debuff known as [b]Targeted[/b]. Guardians with this debuff will take more damage and draw agro from other enemies, but will also increase their cooldown rates for their abilities. This can be transferred to other Guardians by walking to the Targeted Guardian and holding X/whatever PS players use. When approached, the Ballista stops firing and deploys a permanent Hobgoblin cloak until moved away from. Randomly teleports Guardians around. At 25% health, a larger and slower hydra shield spawns around the Ballista. Upon death, the Ballista explodes into 8-9 Tracking Void Bolts. [/i] Locations:Anywhere a Hydra can spawn, but only on higher difficulties. Hydras have a 33% chance to spawn as a Ballista. [/spoiler]

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