These are my original class specific exotic ideas. They seem overpowered so I made them heavy weapons. Well... what do you think?
Bow of the Nephilim God
A simple bow that you have to aim to shoot.(gravity does affect it, but it has infinite range [no damage falloff]) If the arrow hits, it deals damage accordingly to the area hit, and the target gets the DoT Devil's Hell. (A critical kills after DoT. The DoT damages THROUGH the shield.) If it misses, it creates an AoE perk called Heaven's Wrath, and blinds all enemies within the area for 5 seconds. (It can pierce through Ward of Dawn, and negates any active supers) It is a heavy weapon, and you only get 1 arrow per heavy ammo pack.
Staff of Dimensions
A staff that has "charges" as ammo. Each charge allow you to invoke a dimensional vortex near the enemy selected on your crosshair. Guardian is immobile while using this. All enemies trapped in the vortex take a small amount of DoT and all controls are inverted (non guardian enemies become dazed and confused). Uses heavy ammo.
Divine War Cannon
The titan is equipped with a target acquisition laser that allows him to choose his next victims. You can either choose an enemy or a location, which allows the animation to begin. (Above the targeted area, clouds begin to form, and a ray of light shines on the target). A giant cannonball blasts through and lands on the area, dealing MASSIVE damage to anything it hit, minor AoE damage to nearby enemies, and anything close to it gets sent flying across the map (not majors or bosses of any kind. It slightly stuns them instead). Of course, as the others, this consumes heavy ammo...AND it has a cooldown of its own. I mean, god won't help your ass 24/7.
[url= ]Master Thread[/url]
Added new enemy ideas in master thread