I have now joined my 7th weekly and had to leave due to horrible gamers. Either want to speed or sit and do nothing.
This is a joke and should be the number reason matchmaking is never allowed.
Just left my 8th weekly. Stop matching me with mindless gamers who play with no strategy!!!!
Should have been done by now!!!!!
Edit1: break break break
Thid is an old post wow. Look at it go
Go to LFG. Build a team. Go to weekly. Like magic no matchmaking! Omg!
Long post yet no grammatical changes?
I'm trying to figure out why a hot gamer such as yourself cannot complete the Weeklies without the help of the other players.
But grammar is a gooder idea
I honestly now thinking about it match made raids are a terrible idea u could get someone join near the end they could just sit afk they could be no help at all they could join u without u wanting anyone in ur game
Damn. That IS hirrible. Just hirrible.
I don't think I've ever had that problem
Edited by Apex Crucible: 7/31/2015 5:33:07 PMSo get in a fireteam with friends and launch it with them... You don't have to match make if you go recruit others off forums or ivvite friends before launching... Stupid
Set up a fireteam and move on. There are millions who are agreeing to the concept of additional optional matchmaking options. Don't base your 2 cents on the idea because you get matched up with AFK'ers. Besides i'm pretty Destiny matches up with people within your region. I have yet to be matched up with an AFK'er.
It is extremely rare for me to have this issue. I have no issue with match making, how is it any different than going to LFG?
Then get a fireteam together and run it how you want. Problem solved.
Or you can learn to run a gun. Problem solved, I would prefer soloing a weekly over the match making. Regardless it's two people to help, no matter how little. Also stop leaving scrub quitter, somebody give this player a tissue.
If MM were implemented, it'd be - or [i]should be[/i] - optional. You'd never have to use it.