it's far too time intensive. VoG and crota a person two levels below could be carried through to get the gear they needed to become 30/32. there is no carrying in PoE or ToO as wipes are more common with smaller fireteams. the necessity to be equal to the level is without parallel to any activity previously released in the game (with the exception of iron banner).
I don't have an expendable 5 hours to joust with level 35 or frankly 34 PoE depending on circumstances. the players you speak of, the demographic truly flourishing with regard to rank, don't have this problem.
I work 40 a week, have two kids and a wife. there's no way in -blam!- I can find the luxury of time to secure etheric lights to upgrade my weapons to make me more competitive; hence my agreement with your plight.
I am a mirror to your situation. There's simply no way for me to have that kind of time to sink into the Trials or Prison. I have some clan mates who take on the 34 version of the Prison with each character. I keep track of their progress through the character screen. They'll spend five or six hours just clearing one run-through of the 34. There's no way I have that kind of time to sink into this...