I disagree with you on only one point.
Like most people who came to Destiny for the advertised PvE content, there will always be a reason to play, even with everything fully maxed. But being flat out denied Etheric Light simply because the DLC is geared behind the scenes towards the kids who are out of school... that's a whole different pile of bullshit.
Once again you aren't denied it rather given it after lvl 34 arena. 100% chance of leveling up gear on something that takes less time than a raid
The time constraint is far too situational to be considered a good debate point. I can run a Raid in far less time than I can do a PoE run. I directly refuted your statement, but it's all purely subjective argumentation. Yes I'm guaranteed one at 34 & 35 (I posted many times that I know [i]where[/i] to get the Etheric Light, why do people keep bringing this up as if I hadn't heard of it yet???), but when the time commitment is far less efficient and/or significantly more demanding than a Raid, why would that appeal to me?
Well I can tell you now that if you're taking longer to do the PoE than a raid then you're doing it wrong. And like I said on a previous reply I made. I work 2 jobs, the time isn't a problem, your skill is