Since its so hard to find people looking for a level 35 run i made a thread just for it. Hopefully it helps people
Post your :
-Round you are on
Titan w/ helm of saint and weapons of light and all arc weapons maxed
34 hunter with max arc weapons looking for skolas cp add LunarReece
Looking for one more to do skolas revenge fresh start with arc damage Add: erik2153
Level 34 titan looking for scolas checkpoint got 365 arc weapens
34 hunter with maxed arc weapons including sniper, looking for skolas. If you got room add psn. Cheers
Edited by Frederick: 5/28/2015 4:14:19 PM34 Warlock experienced raider Fatebringer, Icebreaker, P&T, Gjallahorn, Black Hammer all 365 Fresh run or any checkpoint Fred_Frost
Edited by Joopers77: 5/28/2015 4:08:04 PM
34 lvl titan lookin to do skolas, got 365 arc damage items and done it once this week. : add diddymies :)
Edited by Batman: 5/28/2015 3:54:53 PMNeed one titian with fully upgraded fourth horseman add Batman11152
Looking for skolas kill 34 warlock. All 365 arc weapons including last round spear.beat him already Psn: canthinkof1
Need 1 Titan for fresh 35 POE. Have patience and time maxed. Add Truepickle
Need one 34 Titan add nickmartz and I'll invite to party, were at the boss cp someone left
Edited by JupiterMachine: 5/28/2015 3:44:01 PMJupiterMachine
Jupiters - old
Need 1 Titan for Skolas cp. Have maxed P&T and max heavy weapons Gilfer_16 -
Skolas's revenge need titan add me MKA_MANIAC
need 1 lvl 34 titan with 365 arc sniper for fresh skolas add Davosdad
Follow me on instagram destiny_xboxone_gaming
Batman11152 need 1 at skolas cp add me
looking to do 35 prison already did it before 34 Titan max guns add : rexxyman
Looking for lvl 35 skolas cp. done it already, looking do it on my 34 Titan XxSwM-Huddo10xX Add me
34 hunter max patience and fourth horseman
Edited by j0ri1337: 5/28/2015 3:23:55 PMlf 2 guardians (atleast one Titan) with Max 4th horseman for fast skolas kill, we have to do it fresh comment below
Poe 35 round 3 need 2 more experience player max arc lvl 34 need Add waeeel797 and join me First time I run this got max gally and max pation and time
Level 33.1/2 hunter Max Gjallahorn Max Fatebringer Experienced player. Looking for Skolas checkpoint or close too it. PSN: sk8rboy12345678
lvl 34 hunter add j4wdropper4224 have max gally fang and patience and time
Looking for lvl 35 skolas cp or fresh. done it already, looking do it on my 34 Titan XxSwM-Huddo10xX Add me
34 warlock(self res) with max 4th horseman and 365 hunger looking for Skolas Cp only add MrLiiFe