IT'S NOT FAIR! PvP is so hard, Thorn Vex and TLW is running rampant and I can barely kill anyone with my Suros. Either Auto's need a serious buff, or Hand Canons need a serious Nerf! It's not fair, buying the game means that I have a right to experience all content! Bungie Plz... FIX THIS!
Final round sniper? really dude? You disgrace true snipers -_-
It should be available after one win. That way its fair forever one. Also when everyone logs on each day they should get their pick of any exotic they Dont have. Plus every 12 hours we should all get 10k glimmer and 2 etheric light.
Anyone read tags and check characters?
You haven't seen [i]anything[/i] just yet, guardian Wait until maps such as [i]The Anomaly[/i], [i]Shores of Time[/i], or [i]Asylum[/i] appear...
3 bloody wins?
Troll lol joke observed.
Hahaha it's supposed to be hard to achieve and not for everyone. Accept it.
Lighthouse should be available after 3 flawless cards* Fixed
Buy the favor then a boon lol. Only one win then
It's easy if you get a good team. I only finished my first trial last weekend and went 9-0 flawless.
THIS IS WHY VIDOES GAMES SUCK. All you do is bitch and Complain and not wanna work for anything . No You aren't entitled to the light house . 99 percent of this game is pve. Pvp players get something and all guys do It bitch cause you aren't good
Lol, sure. I guess isn't a bad idea. But no chest for you tho.
Need help with trials! Anyone offer to help?
Seriously desperate for a PS4 girlfriend! Message me!!!!!!!!! <3
troll is obvious
Pro tip: don't use auto rifles for serious PVP content
If it was only 3 wins you could complete it with them buffs after one win... That's not challenging at all! But you are using a weak weapon type, try switching and you'll do a lot better
Keep playing pve please, don't ruin pvp for us. Your clearly a pve player so just stick to that
All these ppl are pretty much saying they want to play the last mission of a campaign without play through the levels before it....
I bought the game! I'm supposed to go to the lighthouse! I'm a peacock and you gotta let me fly! I paid $60 just like everyone else and content should be open to everyone. That's it right there, the content is open and available to you. You however lack the skill to seize it. It's not locked behind a paywall or a timed exclusive. It's there waiting for you to come and seize it but you can't. You done have the skill required too because your nothing but a lowly pleb. So cease your endless whining. Stop with the I deserve this and I deserve that because I'm a special snowflake nonsense. Your just another unskilled snowflake trying to stand out in a blizzard and soon like every other one of these posts you'll be buried and forgotten as more snowflakes pile on top of you.
A special snowflake is descending upon us
eye no it shuld b aftur too weinz pls b00ng13 halp as!!!! prietty plz
No but a full nine wins on a card should get you there
To all ppl saying it is supposed to be a challenge. I get it. But it shouldn't have cost money. It should have just been like a new pvp event. IB then TOO Paying for content that you will never see is aggravating. What a crock of dlc this has been. More timing mechanics for pve Like the devour essence an shield bonds in skollas. What a joke. Get a bit more creative like the grenade disposal in the new carrier zombie map Easter egg. It is really complicated to complete but the idea off throwing your grenade into a hole turning it into a plinko wall. That's what I'm talkin about. Creative, not just the same re purposed mechanics and re skinned weapons and enemies. Some ppl say this will replace cod. I hate cod now but still end up buying everyone, Because almost everyone else does the same. But at least the zombies is still kinda fun except for the fact it's the exact same but you have to press 9 more buttons every 8 seconds once you got round 7. Destiny is now going to be priced at 140$ For a "full" game and two "expansions" And a new one in sept (rumor) And even if all that content came out at the beginning it still would have been the grind and only the grind that offered any replayabilty. Re think your dung and be better. The game is great from a shoot your gun hit what you where aiming at, kinda stand point. But no real good content except reasons to keep playing to get more reasons to keep playing. I hope I resist pre ordering the taken king until I see what's wrong with it. You know we will be over loaded with everything we want before release to make us buy it to find out 2 days later that nothing really changed , or at least felt like a late addition that should have been there in the beginning.
Gr8 b8 m8 8/8