Why don't they just nerf everything while their at it? Whiny little bitches like you just need to stop putting their dumbass opinions on here. You're an idiot fatebringer doesn't need a nerf it's good in pve, not in pvp. Are you retarded, thorn is the only thing that I would consider to nerf but I don't have a problem with it. I don't understand why people have a problem with it, my last word kills people with thorn faster than they can 2 shot me. So anyways you're stupid and should just take this post down because it's making you look like a dumbass.
They should nerf everything to make it balanced, this shouldn't be a problem anyways.
No people like you should just deal with nothing needs to be nerfed. I'll pick my last word over thorn any day. Whatever though people like you never get anything through your fking head.