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Hello everyone once again. My name is SorrowSong and I am a proud member of DoD Beyond (ps3 clan). This installment of Destiny Informational will bring you a breakdown of the Prison of Elders.
Hive Room: [url=https://youtu.be/lRnD69Z5dmA]Spawn Control Method[/url]
Cabal Room: [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/36tlc5/sga_safe_spot_in_the_cabal_room_in_prison_of/]Safe Spot #1[/url]
[url=http://planetdestiny.com/elder-cipher-guide/]Elder Cypher Bounty Guide[/url]
[b]Prison of Elders base version is level 28, offers matchmaking,[/b] and is composed of 4 rounds of 3 waves of enemies followed by a 5th Boss round. There are 9 possible modifiers, of which 1 is chosen at random for each round. In rounds 2 - 4 the 2nd and 3rd waves offer Critical Objectives which must be completed or you wipe. There are 6 possible bosses of which you will fight 1.
[b]Successfully clearing the 5th round will open up a Treasure Room with 3 chests.[/b] The two small chests on the side will give you minor rewards and a chance at a Treasure Key. The center Exotic chest will requires a Treasure Key to open, and will give you a slight chance at an Exotic piece, Queen's Wrath armor / weapons and other minor rewards.
[b]There are also 3 "Challenge" versions offered.[/b] In the level 32 and 34 variants 1 of 6 possible events are chosen; the event itself is static, which one is chosen that week is random.
[b]Note: The guaranteed rewards are on the weekly reset.[/b] You can only get 1 per character per week.[b] The chests however, including the Exotic Chest are NOT on any kind of Reset[/b]. You can continue to farm them so long as you have Treasure Keys.
[b]The ONLY methods for obtaining treasure keys are:[/b]
1 Guaranteed Key from the first Queens Wrath bounty
Medium chance in gift box from Queens Wrath bounties
Low chance from Ether Key chests
Low chance from 2 side chests in Prison of Elders
[b]You spawn into a central point called the [i]Airlock.[/i][/b] From there a random door opens and you are told which of the 4 enemy types you will be fighting for that round. You will be given a random modifier for that round and that modifier wears off at the end of the round.
[u]Here is a list of some of the modifers:[/u]
[b]Small Arms[/b] - Primary weapons deal 200% damage.
[b]Trickle[/b] - Greatly reduced recharge rate of all abilities
[b]Brawler[/b] - YOUR Melee attacks deal 300% damage
[b]Exposure[/b] - Vastly increased shields but shields do not recharge.
[b]Catapult[/b] - Grenade recharge times greatly increased
[b]Grounded[/b] - Players take more damage while in the air
[b]Airborne[/b] - Players do more damage while in the air
[b]Specialist[/b] - Special weapons deal 200% damage
[b]At random in each wave and each round "Spider Mines" spawn.[/b] These explode on proximity and deal no damage but have the same slow effect as a Wizard's poison cloud. Only Guardians are affected by Spider Mines. You can shoot the mines from a distance, you have a small window to shoot them when they pop up, or you can sprint out of the area of effect before they explode.
[b]Each enemy type has only one map.[/b] Each map is circular with high points, low points etc. Spawns are random in that they come from different spawn points at slightly different times but the number and composition of enemies appears to be static per round. Enemies are highly aggressive and the AI appears to have better aim then Nightfall. Enemies will jump over cover to come at you, which is a behavior lacking in normal PvE play.
[b]Between rounds sometimes a "gift" spawns. This can either be a Scorch Cannon, or a box with infinite Heavy ammo.[/b]
[b]Round 1 serves as a warm up. Rounds 2 and 3 offer "Critical Objectives"[/b] and are a [i]requirement[/i] to proceed. If you fail the challenge objective you wipe. There are 3 types of Critical Objectives shown thus far.
[b]--- Defuse 3 Mines by standing on a capture point[/b]. More Guardians on the same point dramatically increases the rate you defuse the mine. You have 30 seconds to complete each mine. Mines have 3 fixed spawn points, but which order they appear in is random.
[b]--- Destroy 3 mines.[/b] This acts similar to the Defuse objective except instead of a capture point you just have to shoot the mines.
[b]--- Kill VIP Target.[/b] This is the dreaded kill public event. An enemy 1 level higher then the rest spawns and you need to kill it before it hits a certain number of checkpoints.
[b]There are also Boss rounds. [/b]So far they have appeared on rounds 4 and 5. The level 35 challenge version offers a 6th round with the final boss. Enemies appear to infinitely spawn in these rounds.
[b]Bosses for level 28 Base version or mini bosses in Challenge versions[/b]
--- [u]Pilot Servitor[/u] - Servitor in the center of the room. Does not move.
--- [u]Wretched Knight: Dark Blade of the Hive:[/u] - This is a large boomer knight. Nothing special.
--- [u]Overmind Minotaur [/u]- This is a large unshielded Minotaur in the center of the map, he doesn't move.
--- [u]Val Aru'un [/u]- Standard Centurion.
[b]Here are the challenges and their Bosses:[/b]
[b]Broken Legion[/b]
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4
--- [u]Valus Trau'ug: Cabal Juggernaut[/u] - This is a standard Centurion whom has a ridiculous shield. 10 seconds after you bring down his shield he "recalibrates" it, instantly bringing it back up to full and [u]changing the element of the shield.[/u]
[b]Urrox's Grudge[/b]
Round 1: Hive <> Trickle
Round 2: Cabal <> Small Arms
Round 3: Cabal <> Morbid
Round 4: Arc Burn
--- [u]Urrox the Flame Prince[/u] - Solar Burn <> This is a boomer knight whom once every minute will "summon his rage". Once he does so the floor becomes lava, standing on it deals Solar damage. This lasts for 10 seconds.
[b]The Forever Eater[/b]
Round 1: Vex <> Catapult
Round 2: Vex <> Void Burn
Round 3: Fallen <> Brawler
Round 4: Vex <> Small Arms
--- [u]Qodron, Gate Lord[/u] - Trickle <> Unshilded Minotaur in the center of the room. Every minute or so he "searches for targets" 5 seconds after that he hits you with a very strong Detainment Bubble. You continuously lose health while Detained. To counter there is a Tier II Goblin called Qodron's Eye which spawns from the far right side mostly. Killing him gives you a 30 second buff called "Jailbreak" which triples all damage done to the Bubble. 6 shots with a 365 high impact Shotgun will take out the shield if you do not have the buff, 2 shots with it.
[b]Cult of the Worm[/b]
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4
--- [u]Gulrot, Unclean[/u] - Hive Ogre of some kind
[b]Machine Wrath[/b]
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4
--- [u]Kaliks Reborn [/u]- Most likely a Fallen Servitor
[b]Skolas' Revenge (Level 35 Only)[/b]
Round 1: Hive <> Morbid + Brawler
Round 2: Vex <> Grounded + Airborne
Round 3: Cabal <> Catapult + Angry
Round 4: Fallen <> Specialist + Juggler
Round 5: Fallen <> Trickle + Small Arms
--- [u]Skolas, Kell of Kells [/u]- Random Burn <> He starts off with 2 Servitors at each end of the room, while they are alive he takes minimal damage. Killing a servitor gives you a 20 second period where Skolas takes normal damage. Once Skolas hits 65% health "Servitor Bonds are Broken" pops up and he takes normal damage from all sources. At 50% and 25% health the [i]Defuse Mines Critical Objective[/i] pops up.
[u]Level 28 [/u]- 65 House of Judgment Rep || 6 Vanguard Marks || 25 Vanguard Reputation || Random Engram
[u]Level 32[/u] - 200 House of Judgment Rep || Armor Core
[u]Level 34[/u] - 300 House of Judgment Rep || Weapon Core || Etheric Light
[u]Level 35[/u] - 500 House of Judgment Rep || Weapon Core || Armor Core || Etheric Light
[b]Weapon and Armor cores are able to be turned in for the respective HoW Weapon or Armor that is offered that given week.[/b] You can also turn in 1 Weapon Core and 1 Armor Core together to get a chance at a random HoW piece of gear. If you complete all activities in a given week that gives you either the weapon, armor and 1 random chance at something or 2 random chances at something.
[b]After you kill the boss on the 34 or 35 Challenge modes you have a medium chance to get an Exotic Bounty[/b] for your choice of the 3 HoW Fallen themed weapons. This does NOT come from the chest, it is when you kill the boss. Each character has 1 chance to get the bounty per Challenge mode per week.
[b]Killing Solas gives you the very slight chance for an Elemental damage version[/b] of a PoE primary weapon. Same rules as above.
[b]The first time you open the 35 Challenge mode Exotic chest you get a PoE Ship, Shader and Emblem.[/b] This is bugged as if any of these inventory types are full the items are Forever Lost in the Dark Corners of Time. They will NOT repeat NOT go to the Postmaster.
Updated 5/28