So, i posted something in the feedback section yesterday that went from trending to buried. [url][/url] Why isn't CTF a thing? Those who commented were mostly positive and there were a couple good ideas thrown around.
[b]My [/b]suggestion to Bungie is to make CTF a thing, and start with IB. I think it would be a great change from Control and really force people to work as a team (isn't that what Destiny is all about). I had some ideas for bounties in that thread which i will post here. Bounties could include: capture 3 flags in a single game. Kill 20 flag carriers. Save your carrier 20 times.
I also asked a pointed question to Bungie as to why CTF isn't already in the game. I have heard they said "it's to stressful for the flag bearer." If that is their logic, what about relic holder, sword bearer, nightfall, ToO? These are just "as stressful" as being a flag bearer. So i still want to hear Bungies real reason why CTFisn't in the game.
Lets hear some ideas from the community about this.
Edit: CTF means Capture the Flag
Edit: I see a lot of comments about class abilities: blinking, floating, agility; being an issue. With other games that have CTF, the carrier has all abilities suppressed except for sprint, which even seems slower than normal. Someone said [quote]Give them Weight of Darkness when holding the flag[/quote], this would solve the problem of all that and would make it more "destinyish".
It would be nice to have a game type like CTF in the game but the reality is that it's not practical at this point to add it in (not in Destiny 1 that is). You have to keep in mind that these maps were designed around the game types that are currently in the game, the symmetrical maps might be ok but the asymmetrical maps would probably be a nightmare for the devs to go back through and try to figure out balanced positions for flag and player spawns (they would have to create a whole new algorithm for player spawns as well). I personally don't see CTF working on most of the maps in this game currently, even if they make it so you play both sides I've always hated the idea of having a "good" and "bad" side to a map.