Just for fun after my 3 characters. Shutting people down and denying them gear makes me smile c:
They don't deserve it, it's up to people like me to deny them the privilege of reaching the lighthouse.
Edit: For those of you judging my k/d, look at my trials stats, that's brag worthy.
Edit 2: Why are you necro bumping holy shit
Lol i remember your name when playing trials. You guys were good, but not good enough lol.
You get gear drop even of you lose so lel. I went 9-0 on all 3 characters so its not even hard
Kill yourself. Before it gets worse.
Says the guy with 3 Hunters lol!!! The scrub is strong in this one.
No offense but trails is easy when you run the same class on all 3
File this under who gives a $hit who gives a f@ck.
Um ok?
I bet your an awesome person irl too
Ok? Muted
Wow. Soon you'll be making your own hot pockets too
Muted. This post was asshole-ish and pointless
Lmao. 3 hunters that share gear? Scrub. Hunters make the worst player half decent. Like you. And that's why you have 3. That share the same undies. Fag
You on ps4? I got to 8-0 but never 9-0. Really want to get to that lighthouse. I agree it should be earned, but it would be nice to team up with someone like you
Three hunters, shitting on noobs, i like you already >:)
Lol at shitty destiny pvp.
Carry me? Lol
I'm one shot you right in your ankle this weekend. That is if you on the xbone
Nice job. More or less one man team, or teamwork?
I look forward to shutting you down ;)
Keep it up, shut them down...
I like your attitude!
You did 1 flawed brag on the forums this week. I bet you made so many friends from trials.
Amazing your post already got 300+ replies and 99% are from scrubs! LMAO The scrubs are everywhere!! Keep it up!
So much butthurt from people who didn't go flawless in this thread lol