I understand their approach when only 20% of Destiny's player base has participated in a raid of any kind. This was an inherent design flaw from the game's launch that still continues, despite an overwhelming community outcry, even today. All instances should have an optional matchmaking function for those that want to partake in everything this game has to offer. Otherwise, they're really at a loss.
That said, I have adapted to their old mantra of 6-man groups by joining an active clan of players, whose sole purpose was to master the raids. Now with their new focus towards causal gamers and PVPers, our once functional group is being truncated into groups of 3s, so that we can remain competitive. Ultimately these changes and the absence of a raid, is breaking down clans throughout the Destiny player base. People are siding up with competitive PVPers to carry them through the Trials of Osiris, overlooking the their own clan members for a 9-0 win, so they can bask in the heightened awards given out. Before POE we could of easily carried our lowest skilled or under equipped guardians through a raid. Now each player has to provide a quality towards team success, those newer players will be left behind.
So they robbed Paul to pay Peter. They took what was relevant to our Destiny experience and gave it to players like your friend, who had a hard time finding raid friends. All because of an inherent design issue, that was probably intentionally created to enhance a player's game time across repetitive world instances; both of us have been screwed. There should of never been such a discussion about Destiny like the one we're having now.
I don't know if I'd say they're aiming at casual gamers. As a casual gamer I found I've been left in the dust and cannot compete with the elitism required for PoE. I have been unsuccessful at getting into a PoE 34 group this week. Now I'm assuming it's because when I message them they're taking a 34 over a 33 because who has the patience to learn a new encounter a week AND deal with the 20% reductions. Perhaps I'm wrong about that.
Hektik was correct about you. Your dissection of the major core issues for the DLC (and in retrospect, Destiny as a whole) is spot on and well articulated. Very well done, sir.
inorite ;)
Well said.