Level 33 Titan
LF2M Weekly Nightfall
Message or Invite me
GT: InfamousJoeJoe
34 warlock Gt:red eagle123
Edited by ChaoticBiotic: 5/29/2015 11:55:28 PM29 titan GT same as here already done the nightfall twice this week
Need two 33+ for nightfall message for invite gt same as above
At the end of the night fall looking for more people to join up so all this work is not in vain. Gt: ElusiveKraken massage me on xb-one for invite
Jv.34 looking 4 nightfall GT Senpai DemonFox
Need 2 33+ for nf msg 4 invite
Need two for nf message for invite
Need one for nightfall Gt Gladius Regni message on Xbox
Need one for nightfall message for invite we already started it
need two 32+ for Nightfall gt SHAKEZULA
Looking for nightfall Lvl 32 Hunter Sciss0rmetimbrz
Level 33 Titan looking for nightfall
J Sims 330
Looking for group for nightfall plz.
Looking for nightfall 32 titan Invite FistoTheS3Xrobo
34 hunter with maxed gally and fate Looking to do nf with other 34 or other 33 with good guns Send me a message or invite on xbox Dr Unk21221
Need one more for nightfall send message for inv
33 warlock
33 Titan for nightfall
32 Hunter invite Vuhnacular
32 titan nf
33 warlock looking for nightfall gamertag is Calistario.
32 titan nf max gally
Need 2 for nightfall Message "Mrs SnuggleBuns" for an invite
If someone wants to help a 31 bubble titan on nightfall gt same as above
Gt j Sims 330