And the West is totally blind to the fact because we're too busy fighting ourselves. The fall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that could have happened to America. We lost our common enemy and started fighting ourselves.
Rome had gladiatorial games as the Germans were besieging the city.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
I think this will be the third cycle of the changing of power
Itl be interesting to see how America handles it. We kind of have the big dick alpha syndrome going on as a county.
No empire has stopped its decline we would be the first
I think itl go down like the cold war. America is the new Soviet Union and China is the new America. We may even end up having an actual cold war with China.
It'll be the Cold War with a emphasis on global economics The new Silk Road China is building is really going to up their influence
Yeah China likes business not war. That's kind of how they've always been.
No not even close
Who has China waged war against that china was the initial instigator?
Before China was unified they would constantly sacrifice people and faught with each other chan unified China when he died the whent into the waring states and would fling convicts at the enemy only for them to commit sucide and shock the enemy the Were unified finally and when that dynasty fell apart waring states again United under chin until dynasties were dissolved.
No I doubt it Persia when down with conquest Rome went out with a whisper I will probley see how america goes out from the Middle East of coarse Is were I hope to spectate it from
Ahh yes the middle east the homeland. I'm posting from within the United Arab Emirates. Where do you hope to be at?
Use or Saudi Arabia
Why Iran
I meant uae and heck no I am. Not going to Iran unless the go all Persian once more not going there as long as they are ruled by radicals
Saudi Arabia is much more radical than Iran.
They are a bit more extreme so probly the uae but they also have a larger military than the use but than again engineers never are the ones that get killed by invading armies