Pvp is a wonderfully frustrating place, whether you are just getting started, or have been playing since day 1, these 7 tips are here to remind you to play smart and play to win.
I know a lot of people like to dig up how good/bad a player is when they are giving tips, so here is my DTR page to make it easier for you: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/crucible/xbox/l7fteddown Warlock is my pvper.
[b]1) [/b]Lead your enemy to where you feel comfortable
[spoiler]Positioning is key in this game, you don't want to pick a fight with an enemy on their side of the map if you are vulnerable to being shot at multiple angles, you can believe me when I say that the 9/10 times the enemy will chase you down if they think they can kill you, use this to your advantage, you have teammates for a reason[/spoiler]
[b]2)[/b] Retreating can lead to numerous kills for both you and your team
[spoiler]Whether you get shot at first or you see there are just too many of them, retreat. Like the previous point, chances are they will chase you and this can give you an amazing advantage, just remember to take corners at every possible opportunity and use grenades to create bigger bridges between you and them, until you find a spot which allows you to unleash holy hell upon them. [/spoiler]
[b]3)[/b] Play smart, don't think about getting kills, think about staying alive
[spoiler]If you go into the game where your sole purpose is to stay alive, chances are you will do a lot better than you think with getting kills. You just need to play smart, never position yourself for long periods of time where the enemy can shoot you from the sides or the back. You need to play smart and always know where your teammates are. Even if you are on a bad team, use your allies as cannon fodder if need be.[/spoiler]
[b]4)[/b] What you want, is what they want
[spoiler]Understand what you have at your disposal, whether it's grenades, heavy or nearby allies. Always think about what the enemy want, whether it's that heavy that is inbound or that critical flag point, think about what you would do in their situation and then counter it, sometimes standing back and waiting for them to move into (what they think) is a 'good' position (i.e. at the heavy or cap point) can lead to their destruction with just one simple grenade and a few bursts of your gun. Remember, [u]What you want, is what they want.[/u] Play with this in mind and you'll be a machine[/spoiler]
[b]5) [/b]A weakened enemy is a dead enemy
[spoiler]In some situations it is actually better for you to weaken enemies and move on to the next and let allies pick them off, for example if you are sat further back and are not attracting enemy fire, you can easily weaken multiple enemies very quickly and let allies finish them off, this can be a risky tactic however depending on how good your team work is. Obviously it's better to head shot them but if you find you are still learning how to effectively do that, tagging is a good team tactic. [/spoiler]
[b]6) [/b]I know it takes 1 bullet to kill, but he can eat 2 bullets
[spoiler]Think Zombieland (double tap), the crucible is a very laggy place and sometimes enemies don't die when they should, if you find you can spare a few extra milliseconds to unload a few more bullets into the enemy you think should have died 2 bullets ago, go ahead and do just that. [/spoiler]
[b]7)[/b] It's a bird, it's a plane...
[spoiler]The enemy pulls out their shotgun as their map begins to blink red indicating you are around the corner, their heart begins to race as they anticipate a rather intense few second of gunfight before one of you emerges victorious...but you are smart, you know that shotguns don't take a high level of skill to use, so you don't underestimate your enemy (or the weapon he is holding) instead you jump round that corner as he takes it, you see him shoot into nothingness and begin to spin around confused as to where the mighty ninja (you) has gone, but before he realises what is happening, you rain down a barrage of steel and melees, insuring your victory.
Vertical play is something that is very rarely focused on when giving pvp tips, but I am here to tell you that vertical play is absolutely game changing. [b]IMPORTANT[/b]: Do not always jump, you can make yourself an easy target doing so, but when enemies are in close proximity, engaging the fight while above them gives you a tremendous advantage. You will understand once you put this into practice. [i]This tip is one that I truly stand by, and I can promise you that this will lead to many successful encounters...encounters that may have otherwise led to your demise[/i][/spoiler]
A lot of these points are mainly for people still getting used to the game, some things may not apply to people who have already mastered their playstyle..for example, my titan doesn't follow a few of these rules as he is my aggressive player...which means no retreat ;)
Hope you all have a wonderful day :)
Shameful bump :(