Someone as organized and well spoken as OP would make an amazing Clan leader.
No disrespect to your opinion or feedback. Trying to make helpful suggestions.
Edited by Bad Wolf: 5/30/2015 2:54:51 PMOh shut up, guess what? OP might not be complaining for himself alone, all sorts of people play video games. And matchmaking has been a part of online gaming for the better part of 12 years now, and Bungie's decides out of the blue that their game is the one that is just too hard to beat with match made team mates, which is ironic because the players you recruit on LFG sites ate randoms too. How about we regress further, let's all have a big old LAN party, that's the real way to play. And yes Deej responding the OP's well thought out statement, with what boils down to "you speak so well." Is condescending and stupid, and you're stupid too if you don't see that. And complaints solve nothing, every protest or rally since the dawn of history will beg to differ. Stupid people like you are the reason the Comet DLC will probably sell very well, and we will keep getting sub par games.
The question has been asked...and it has been answered. ...and the answer is "NO". Continue to complain that point, and you are simply NAGGING. ...and failing to take any responsibility for your own experience. Either adapt to the situation...and find people to play with. Accept playing the elements where there is matchmaking.... ...or go play a different game. Or is aksing people to behave with a measure of maturity, simply too much to ask?
You have no idea how complaints work do you, don't be stupid, there are millions of people planning this game, the rain you keep seeing the same complaints is because a while -blam!-ton of people have the same complaint dimwit. Bungie's reason for excluding a core component of online gaming is moronic, and the backlash they're getting should tell you something, try thinking every once in a while.
Your problem isn't that I DON"T understand how complaints work. Your problem is that I DO understand how they work. They work because the other party CHOOSES to respond to them. Either freely----or under some form of leverage or duress. Bungie has made it about as perfectly clear as anyone can make it....that they choose not to accomodate this particular complaint. Not only have the refused to budge in applying it to OLD content....they have again refused to apply it to NEW content. At the end of the day, you do not have the power to compel Bungie to do ANYTHING. They will either choose to accomodate you....or they will choose NOT to. ...and ALL indications point to the fact that they WILL NOT. So the question becomes....WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO. Are you just going to sit there and continue to nag and complain....or are you going to do something (anything) that is more likely to generate a concrete result??
Edited by Bad Wolf: 5/30/2015 5:39:12 PMNo the point is to keep Bungie's incompetence fresh in people's minds, they are free to be as incompetent as they want, but let's see how much they sick with their do called vision when people have months of getting frustrated with them. And again there are so many complaints about the same thing because there are so many people playing the game, us that fact too complex for you to comprehend? Because according to your own stupid -blam!-ed up logic, people should have stopped complaining about cheating and lag in the crucible months ago, Bungie finally got of their lazy asses and acknowledged there was cheating going on in the crucible only a few days ago, even though the complaints have been going on for months now, they still haven't acknowledged the lag.
Aye, asking us to shut-up and be corporate-led sheep is too much
No. I'm asking you to be a grown up and take responsibility for your own life. You do not have accept ANYTHING Bungie is doing, because you are ALWAYS free to go play some other game....and spend your dollars somewhere else. ...and there is not a damn thing that Bungie, I, or anyone else can do to stop you. That----my friend----is real power. Not whining and complaining in the hopes that someone will eventually come and NURTURE you.
Please tell me you aren't married... This whole 'if you don't like it then quit and walk away, this is real power' thing really isn't a great outlook
..and why do you think so many marriages end in divorce? Because people spend YEARS of their lives making themselves miserable in the futile effort to try to control their spouse. You have NO POWER over other people beyond what they CHOOSE to give you. None.
Stop given us helpful suggestions jack Ass and start relaying our helpful suggestions back to the devs
..and what makes you not think that----like he's said a million times-----he HAS, and they've simply said , "NO"? In which case continuing to simply COMPLAIN in both powerless, pointless...and ultimately rather childish.
---like he's said a million times-----he HAS, and they've simply said , "NO"? Also when has he said this cant recall anytime. Don't think deej would be the type to throw the devs under the bus like that
Thanks for the feed back il make sure the devs get it
I'm not going to join a clan. I'm not going to play this game much longer if I can't easily find groups, either. This stance completely asinine. It benefits no one. Most groups are random anyway. Just let me play without jumping through unnecessary hoops.
[quote]I'm not going to join a clan. I'm not going to play this game much longer if I can't easily find groups, either.[/quote] Sounds like you've made a choice then. Good. Own up to it. Here's why there isn't matchmaking for the harder endgame content. Did the level 32 PoEs yesterday with a clanmate and a random. We ran into trouble with Round 4 and the Arc Burn....and we wiped a couple of times. After the second wipe, the random simply quit. Hit my clan's message a third clanmate to join us. We wiped a couple more times while we worked out a strategy to get passed that round....and then went on to complete it with all three of our characters. When you form your own group there is a level of investement and a willingness to endure difficulty in solving problems that isn't there when you are simply matchmade with people you don't know. So it is a set-up for FAILURE in the harder content, where strategies have to worked out on the fly, and repeated failures endured while a winning approach is sussed out.
Edited by ProstiTot Snail: 5/30/2015 5:05:53 PMCool story bro. I did PoE level 32 this week too. It took me between 30 - 40 minutes to find a group. No exaggeration. I used both destinylfg and the recruitment forums. I don't know if it's the time of day I'm available to play (i work swing shift) or my system (360) but it always takes forever to find groups. When I finally did find a group, it was with 2 completely random people, one of whom had no mic. We finished PoE with a couple of wipes on both the arc burn and the boss levels, but it was totally doable. No clan needed. We sussed out our strategies just fine. I tried to find a group for PoE 34 the next day and gave up after about 20 minutes. I'm not about to spend that much time spamming strangers just to play this game. I just don't have enough spare time these days. I was also annoyed with all the elitist posts on destinylfg demanding all lvl 34's with max gallys and IBs and tons of leet skillz. I like Destiny a lot but I can't see putting up with not being able to find groups for much longer.
Lol. This guy never stops. Quit beating around the bush and give us the game we want!
Deej, you asshole. Just stay quiet in the corner and count your money with Activision where you belong.
Someone as organized and well spoken as OP should be the community manager.
BumpNation!! Lol
Give this man a cookie! Let's get DeeJ out of here.
For the love of God, just give us optional matchmaking!! Stop with the clan stuff already. Not everybody wants to be in a clan.
-blam!- your fascist philosophy. Leaders are obsolete. Leaders are for the weak. The Italian term fascismo derives from fascio meaning a bundle of hay, ultimately from the Latin word fasces.[14] This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates and at first applied mainly to organisations on the Left. Mussolini founded the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento in Milan in 1919 which became the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party) in 1921. The Fascists came to associate the name with the ancient Roman fasces or fascio littorio,[15] which consisted of a bundle of rods that were tied around an axe,[16] an ancient Roman symbol of the authority of the civic magistrate[17] carried by his lictors which could be used for corporal and capital punishment at his command.[18][19] The symbolism of the fasces suggested strength through unity: a single rod is easily broken, while the bundle is difficult to break.[20] Similar symbols were developed by different fascist movements: for example the Falange symbol is five arrows joined together by a yoke.[21]
Perhaps but the fact that you create/establish a clan outside the game is horrible game design. I've posed this questions countless times, but isn't the point to keep players in the game, not out? Same goes for grimoire. Clan membership does not guarantee you get to play as a team consistently. I'm in a clan but oftentimes teammates are playing another game, in progress in raids/patrols/nightfall/etc., or have quit Destiny all together. [i]optional[/i] matchmaking with a simple toggle switch would resolve this problem and keep players in the game.