Someone as organized and well spoken as OP would make an amazing Clan leader.
No disrespect to your opinion or feedback. Trying to make helpful suggestions.
Why don't you go back to #community or #gallery we hatin over here! Get real.
Deej... Though we never grow out of gaming. There are many of us that have move past the "clan scene" or the "guild scene" due to other personal commitments and/or lack of interest in that aspect of gaming. Do we still want to game? Yes Do we want to spend time outside the game to subscribe to a group so we can play the game? No Bungie has an opportunity here to hit that target audience with some form of in-game "optional" matchmaking and social support. Unfortunately, you are missing the mark ATM.
Thank you. This is spot on
The sentiment of many older gamers... Thx 4 the bump...
This! So much of this. I joined one out of necessity. Now most don't play or are not on when I am. It's not a viable solution to keep going back to the same thing over and over.
Hey deej check out my video let me know what you think. I would appreciate it.
Wow, the blatant trolling is just ridiculous Deej, real nice. Have fun explaining to the shareholders when no one buys the next DLC because you didn't feel like adapting.
Edited by D2008: 5/29/2015 12:39:25 PMWhat is going on DeeJ, really? Can you give us a detailed explanation on what Bungie is trying to accomplish by defending third party tools to the death? - If you guys really think it is realistic, what your goal is, how optional matchmaking would hurt that goal, if that vision has changed at all given all the feedback on this forum?
Edited by Lander: 5/29/2015 12:27:18 PMBut he's a self-proclaimed evil genius?! ... Wait he's taking you task here DeeJ? Shouldn't you be fighting your corner instead of suggesting he gets a promotion?
Or you could just add matchmaking, why is this so hard for you to grasp? I have put alot of time into your game. This has about killed my drive to play. I guess you like paying for things only to have restrictions placed on you after the fact. I really wish this pre made team shit was known before launch.
Clans?.....yet another thing with no in game support, no clan area or chat no clan wars , no clan emblem or special shaders, no clan recruiting area....only thing is a name under your GT? And that doesn't show up half the time?....great answer Deej .....way to show him how right he is .
Nailed it.
DeeJ, this is getting ridiculous. It's great that we got your attention but please engage in a discussion with us about this. Optional matchmaking is long overdue. I find it disrespectul that we make these posts and all you can give us is a reply that is 2 lines long.
Seeing as how you're actually replying to posts now (WOW! A community manager actually interacting with the community? Only took you ~8 -blam!-ing months), maybe you should reply to this.
Remember those scenes from A FIsh Called Wanda? When Kevin Kline yells... ASSHOLE!!!!! On the plus side you continue to do wonders for Bungies rep and future sales prospects.
Here's a tip. Instead of ignoring the post, why don't you post something [u]useful.[/u]
Well Bungie, that response cinches it for me. No money for you!
- everyone join in, lets take a stand
Press A to launch a matchmade Raid. Press X to launch a private Raid. Just trying to make helpful suggestions.
That's a nice compliment you've paid him. If being a clan leader in Destiny is anything like being a clan leader in WoW, it's a full time job. Coupled with no ingame clan support so you're forced to look for hosting sites if you want to be any sort of serious. Clans are not the solution we seek.
Put very well, I agree 100%.
PS DeeJ ... Socom on last gen console had in game clan pages as well as in game ladders and leagues. .. That's on last gen ... That's what current games are missing ... That's what yours should have included.
And the truth is revealed ... Not enough active clans ... Bungie hoping that lfg will create more clans ... It won't. Your system is flawed I've led clans before, I was asked to lead another and I decided hell its been 4 to 5 yrs since I last ran one. Only we're moving to TESO in a week ... And all for the same reason ... Your game feels too much like a full time job than a wind down with mates after a hard days work.
No ingame clan support has lead many a clan to search out hosting sites. I'm actually kinda surprised no one's annoyed by that.