Cus they don't know the meaning on CQB they rely on gourilla tactics, hit and run away because they're too weak to fight
And CQB is Close Quarters combat or battle
Yeaaaahh? I'm aware.. Im mostly CQB with my warlock. And I rarely die from it Cus I know how to use the warlock
I know how to use one to -Press L1 to get on your knees- -press L2 to lean down- -Press R1 to suck dick- -Press R2 to go up and down- -Press L1 and R2 for anal combo-
You mad cuz you only know how to run? It's okay you stay back, wouldn't want you to die and me revive you (possibly die and self res to save you and most the fireteam)
...We Hunters have not done anything wrong! We never picked on warlocks! All I can think of right now is that you do not have enough skill to be a good Hunter! And you guys say that we have scrawny arms and yet we are the most majority of best swordbearers so....
I've been a hunter, didn't like how weak I was in the heat of combat, and I've seen 3x as many hunters fail at sword berrer then warlocks. All I see is Warlocks succeeding with flying colors at being sword berrer.
Honestly, you can not even spell the damn word and you are a waste of my time so why don't you shut up and let the skilled players respond. Okay?
Well I can use a warlock effectively so I guess that makes me a skilled player. Since that seems to be so foreign. Sorry I'm a human and can't spell every word correctly all the time. My bad
It's okay
We are not weak, and isn't running away just what warlock's do as well?
Whoever runs away with a warlock should rethink their class. Because Warlocks weren't designed to run away
Kid your an idiot. Warlock is the weaker class. Why do you think you have rez? You think there going to give an op class the chance of two lives? No. Warlocks are weak in such that if they didn't have the rez they would be under powered. Your a floating target. I have all three classes. I do prefer to use my warlock in pvp because it's a cheap class that I can just nova a base. Oh the skill that takes. Ha. Oh wait I was op blade danced. I'll just rez again and oh wait he got me again. Warlocks are good in some ways yes. But not the master race. Who ever started that was a joke. Warlock is master race because I can die and just come back to life. Because I need two lives to do what you do in one. I prefer the Hunter class. Wicked Aimz out. (Drops mic)
You are right, they were designed to be Titans and Hunter prostitute
Lol right because titans could even reach us with their t-rex arms and hunters would even have enough power to hold us down. Them scrawny arms can't even hold more then a handcannon
....Okay.... I am sick of warlock's calling us weak
Titans are too. So by popular belief hunters are
You make no sense...
Edited by FlubbedZeus010: 5/29/2015 7:36:29 AMHow? I'll explain further in case you need it. Sorry, I remember now you're a hunter and you aren't as "with-it" as us Warlocks