Gamer tag: (BR1T1SH DONKEY)
Level: (40)
Class Hunter, Titan and Warlock (Hunter)
if you are experienced or not: (Experienced)
Please do not post elimination games this is trials only
I have 3 Characters a 34 warlock a 34 hunter and a 34 titan. I do trials on my warlock and hunter although i have been 9-0 on my titan and would like to thank my team for that. When i have done the 9-0 for that weekend on my hunter and or warlock i will be helping out people who message me on Xbox one on the first 10 people to do so i shall help out you can have a friend join or person No. 2 can join.
Thank you for commenting on my post play safe and have fun.
CROTA/VOG Hard Raid finder
Need one more for trials message for invite must be 34 with maxed weps
Need 1 more for trials run - be experienced with Mic Message Gt: Dv ThrombosisRx for invite
Looking for someone who is very good at Trials who is okay with somewhat carrying my friend. You also have to able to talk in a skype chat because my friends mic is screwed up and he can't talk unless it's on skype. Message PunkassNerd for an invite
GT: HorridSandWorm need 1
Need 2 for flawless trials need good people no jokes
34 warlock looking for solid trials team Invite Dayzegonebye
Need 1 for flawless msg gt same as above
Have when's flawless plenty of times! Plz be good! No noobs plz! Add me same name as top one
Looking to join a top trials team with all members 1.5 K/D+ .... I'm a lvl 34 Titan with a 1.8 K/D ratio in crucible. GT: AceOfAIDZ
34 Hunter using Max Thorn looking for a team. Message or invite KingRocketFox
Need 1 more for trials. Gt is katoom125.
Hello, my gt is ski till I drop I've been flawless 10+ times on my account, I'm on my friends account (this one) to help him through trials I'm looking for 2 34 that have been flawless and have emblem present, message me for invite etb802
Hello, my gt is ski till I drop I've been flawless 10+ times on my account, I'm on my friends account (this one) to help him through trials I'm looking for 2 34 that have been flawless and have emblem present, message me for invite etb802
Lvl 34 Hunter I have been flawless before and would like to have a good team to at least get 5 wins I am willing to go flawless Inv EFleming22
Need 1 for flawless msg gt same as above
Edited by BombGoBOOOOM: 8/3/2015 3:15:17 PMLooking for help to go flawless havent been before but have gotten to 8. 34 titan maxed last word, dry rot, quick revive. Gt same as name
I have a 2.3 kd in trials, and I'm looking for a flawless team to just run with. Hmu if you are good Msg/inv: BeHaVe x
Need 2 to go flawless must have gone flawless before and good player
Need 1 more, be able to hold your own. Message on box for inv. gt above.
Anyone down for some late trials ? Need to be lvl 34 and decent weapons Message me for invite Need mic And experience
Need 2 for trials
Looking for a team that I can go flawless with never gone flawless before gone 8-0 many times but can never go 9-0 I am a 34 hunter gunslinger have Maxed thorn and last word gamer tag Pure C0mic the o in comic is a zero P.S. At least need to have one of these maxed weapons thorn last word red death or ice breaker
34 Titan looking to go flawlass Gt BTF MagiczZxx
Trying To Go Flawless This Week Need 2 People That Have Been Flawless Before With Max Weapons Msg OMGitsJAVI 3
Need two for trials Must have Good communication And positive attitude Message in game level and class I will check out your profile Gt same as above
Need 1 more for trials w good kd and communication need to go flawless on last character message for invite