Gamer tag: (BR1T1SH DONKEY)
Level: (40)
Class Hunter, Titan and Warlock (Hunter)
if you are experienced or not: (Experienced)
Please do not post elimination games this is trials only
I have 3 Characters a 34 warlock a 34 hunter and a 34 titan. I do trials on my warlock and hunter although i have been 9-0 on my titan and would like to thank my team for that. When i have done the 9-0 for that weekend on my hunter and or warlock i will be helping out people who message me on Xbox one on the first 10 people to do so i shall help out you can have a friend join or person No. 2 can join.
Thank you for commenting on my post play safe and have fun.
CROTA/VOG Hard Raid finder
Need a teammate for flawless message GT wavelength178 for invite must have been flawless before
Need one player for a trials team preferably a warlock we have both been flawless multiple times both can hold our own send message and I'll invite gt same as name .
34 hunter blade dancer with maxed thorn and party crasher have been flawless invite writingchaos
Have 2 need one must be good , we've been flawless multiple times message gt above
[b][u]SLAYER SQUAD IS RECRUITING- Top 10% at crucible[/b][/u] [b]--XB1 Only--[/b] We're a small, skilled clan, and we love beating scrubs. We're not try hards, we're just chill players who enjoy crucible. Everyone in the clan is very good at crucible and can carry people to the lighthouse, so expect to play with good players if you join, no scrubs. We compete in sweaties and destiny clan wars. There's no sweaty experience needed, you don't even have to compete, it's just a bit of fun. Here are my stats --> [url=]link[/url] To join the Slayer Squad you must meet these requirements, they're not that hard to meet if you are good enough, and they're not too crazy: -Be in the top 10% -Have a 2K/D on any character -Have a 1.3K/D in trials or above -Have over 5,000 kills in crucible -You need to be very skilled at crucible [b][u]TO JOIN-[/u] You must go to our clan page and request to join, and I'll accept it, i'll check your stats before I accept[/b] --> [b][u]Or you can just send me a message, my GT is: You Need To Try[/b][/u]
34 hunter blade dancer with maxed thorn and party crasher have been flawless invite writingchaos
34 Titan gone flawless have emblem to prove it looking for solid team to run trails inv GT same as above
Trying to go flawless. Message for inv! Need 2!
34 hunter blade dancer with maxed thorn and party crasher have been flawless invite writingchaos
Guy with a 1.7 KD in Trials looking to help teams out, GT same as above
Edited by xREDROGUE33: 8/3/2015 9:16:59 AM
Need one player for a trials team preferably a warlock we have both been flawless multiple times both can hold our own send message and I'll invite gt same as name .
Level 34 hunter looking for trails team gt same above
Looking for trials group. If you need one more person. Invite please Lt Asbul I know the map, good callouts and have good team work. Once again i am looking for a group that needs one. Invite me please Lt Absul
Hey, I am a very experienced player in the top 1% of Destiny players, looking to run people to lighthouse, have been lighthouse every week at least three times, message Dul425 for an invite!
Need two for flawless must have been flawless multiple times every week and at least once this week message Sworn Vengeance on Xbox one for inv......
Need one for flawless run please be good. Msg gamertag above
Need one for quick run. I've been flawless a lot. Msg me for invite. Any skill level. Chinnzy
34 hunter Max thorn Max matador Max hunger of Crota Gone flawless Looking to go flawless Can hear people in Xbox one party chat but cannot talk, still will play well. Can Skype if you want to because I can talk on that.
34 hunter been flawless several times looking for a decent team that can handle there own!
Need 1 messege for invite
Lookin to go flawless need to hav maxed weapons etc msg for inv gt same as above
Solid player looking for flawless team add eQ Tantrum
Looking for one player that can hold it down. Don't BS us. If you're bad, don't message me. We are flawless runners. Trying to do a painless run again. Message Aye Dennis
Looking for one player that can hold it down. Don't BS us. If you're bad, don't message me. We are flawless runners. Trying to do a painless run again. Prefer a Warlock Message EnemyMidget on xboxone
Looking for 1 more player to go flawless with. Have max weapons etc... You know the drill. Msg: cheap thri11s