Gamer tag: (BR1T1SH DONKEY)
Level: (40)
Class Hunter, Titan and Warlock (Hunter)
if you are experienced or not: (Experienced)
Please do not post elimination games this is trials only
I have 3 Characters a 34 warlock a 34 hunter and a 34 titan. I do trials on my warlock and hunter although i have been 9-0 on my titan and would like to thank my team for that. When i have done the 9-0 for that weekend on my hunter and or warlock i will be helping out people who message me on Xbox one on the first 10 people to do so i shall help out you can have a friend join or person No. 2 can join.
Thank you for commenting on my post play safe and have fun.
CROTA/VOG Hard Raid finder
Need 2 for trials flawless run must be experienced and carry own weight msg: Underground K for an invite.
Just need 2 wins ppl need a team that will help me I can carry my own weight msg me at gt McP00ch
Need 1 for flawless must have skype message sick x hopps
Looking for 2 people to run flawless Have to had gone flawless before MUST have emblem as proof of your past Gt:Insaneboiii I DONT CARRY
Casual player looking for 5+ wins
Guy with a 1.7 KD in Trials looking to help teams out, GT same as above
Need 1 experienced player for trials must be level 34 maxed guns and have been flawless before.. Please be able to carry your own weight aswell.. Just want to get this done quick message no1sperfect96 for an invite
Lvl 34 Warlock with max weapons I have gone flawless please invite no kids please.
34 Titan with max weapons Looking to go flawless with people that are experienced and have been flawless Invite me at Mors Ex Tenbris
Looking to join a team for trials gt same as user lvl 34 hunt max weapons
Need 1 more for flawless. Serious players only
34 warlock all max weapons looking for one more for trials I'm trying to carry my friend who has never been I'm looking for Someone who truly wants to help and is good message AhhImDeadAgain for inv
34 warlock looking for team. Let's poop on someone's Sunday night.... Gt above
Lvl 34 Warlock with max weapons I have gone flawless please invite no kids please.
If you need help goin flawless or even getting the wins go to casting couchs stream
Lvl 34 hunter Not looking for a pro team, or anyone looking to go flawless, just looking for anyone chill and just going for the armor. Inv "x ParadoxReason"
Bladedancer, good with shotgun, subpar with sniper. Pretty funny guy, looking for those 2 special someones. I've gone flawless many times, and can prove it. Message WrongDamnButton.
Need two flawless players msg me with your grimoire and kd i will be checking Gt same
Need 1 for flawless run. Must have skype and able to call out. Message sick x hopps for invite
Level 34 hunter looking for 2 for a flawless run. You must Simply have: - gone flawless before. - a positive trials k/d ratio. Gt : xDANKx xEXOTiCx
Need 1 experienced player for trials must be level 34 maxed guns and have been flawless before.. Please be able to carry your own weight aswell.. Just want to get this done quick message no1sperfect96 for an invite
Need two
Looking for a group. Level 34 Hunter. Been flawless but not this week. Looking for people who are willing to work as a team. No scrubs you have to be able to hold your own and of course have a mic. Always having fun so no one who has an excuse for why they died. Message howbaked for an invite
34 warlock looking to go flawless. Can hold my own. Send invite or msg to gt: Formulaz23.
having a friend help me get legendary gear in trials he's been flawless I am a level 25 who wants to help msg gt: SchultzyBare2
Everyone go follow/view he's helping people go flawless and hes a real good player